Chapter 7: Weed Science Research

7.5 Summary

In this chapter we examined important concepts to consider when looking for ideas on how to manage weeds, specifically what are credible and reliable resources, how to find them and how to cite them.  We also discussed how various organizations make decisions on prioritizing research investments.  All of this will be important in the upcoming chapters where we explore research-based principles for effective and sustainable weed management approaches.

Key Takeaways

Key takeaways from this chapter include:

  • Reliable resources are written by credible authors who are not motivated by money. Reliable resources are also peer reviewed to ensure accuracy.
  • Examples of credible resources include the Weed Science Society of America, The American Society of Agronomy, peer reviewed journal articles and land grant institutions, including extension, among others.
  • Make sure to save DOI numbers of online research papers in the event the URL to access the paper changes.
  • Research priorities vary among governments, land grant universities, commodity groups, and for profit companies.
  • The Ecological Paradigm Model for prioritizing investments, developed at The Ohio State University CFAES includes 4 components: production efficiency, economic viability, environmental compatibility, and social responsibility.



Principles of Weed Control Copyright © by Deana Namuth-Covert and Amy Kohmetscher. All Rights Reserved.