
Chapter 15: MOA Part 1: Lipid Synthesis Inhibitors & Seedling Shoot Growth Inhibitors

15.5 The ACCase Enzyme

Figure 6.  An excerpt from the Take Action Herbicide Classification Chart

Next, this chapter will discuss the first herbicide Mode of Action, Lipid Synthesis Inhibitors and the Site of Action, ACCase Inhibitors.  To begin exploring this mode of action and site of action, an overview of the ACCase Enzyme is necessary.

The term “ACCase” is an abbreviation for the full enzyme name, Acetyl Coenzyme-A Carboxylase Complex.  As we learned in the previous section, ACCase is an important enzyme early in the biochemical pathway for making fatty acids.  There are two classes of herbicides that inhibit the ability of ACCase to function.  The animation below provides a visual depiction of how this works and/or you can watch the following video clip, where Dr. Namuth-Covert clicks through the animation and highlights key concepts that will help you better understand this class of herbicides.

screenshot of lipid biosynthesis animation
Figure 7. This image links to the Lipid Biosynthesis animation https://passel.unl.edu


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Principles of Weed Control Copyright © by Deana Namuth-Covert and Amy Kohmetscher. All Rights Reserved.

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