
Chapter 5: Interplant Interference and Competition

5.6 Types of Competition and Responses

There are different types of plant competition that can take place in a field including competition between different plant species, as well as competition within the same species.   There are also different responses to competition that we see among weeds, including adapting plant size to the resources available and even a reduction of the number of weeds growing in the population. Here are some questions to help you apply a few of the key concepts Vince describes in detail.

Review and Reflection

Dry Weight Yield of Redroot Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) as a Function of Density

Density (Plants/Pot) Dry Weight (Per Pot)  Dry Weight (Per Plant)
1 6.2 6.20
5 6.9 1.38
15 6.2 0.41
25 6.2 0.25
35 6.8 0.19

Table above is a reproduction of the table featured in Vince Davis’s video presentation.






Principles of Weed Control Copyright © by Deana Namuth-Covert and Amy Kohmetscher. All Rights Reserved.

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