Chapter 11: Mechanical Weed Control

Chapter Authors

Dr. Deana Namuth-Covert, Professor and Ms. Amy Kohmetscher, Instructional Designer

Ohio State – Agricultural Technical Institute

College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

The Ohio State University

tractor pulled weed flamer burning grassy weeds in a field
Figure 1.  Research at the University of Nebraska on the use of a flamer as a means of weed control.

Previous chapters have discussed prevention, cultural practices and biological control methods for managing weeds. This chapter will address mechanical methods of weed control. This includes tillage and mowing, as well as some other methods such as flaming depicted in this image. Mechanical weed control offers approaches which can be utilized in an Integrated Weed Management (IWM) program.


Principles of Weed Control Copyright © by Deana Namuth-Covert and Amy Kohmetscher. All Rights Reserved.