
Chapter 15: MOA Part 1: Lipid Synthesis Inhibitors & Seedling Shoot Growth Inhibitors


The information and suggestions in this publication are intended to provide general guidelines for weed management in Ohio. Because of changing laws and regulations, Ohio State University Extension assumes no liability for the recommendations. The recommendations for using pesticides included in this guide are incomplete and should not serve as a substitute for pesticide labels. Complete instructions for the use of a specific pesticide are on the pesticide label. The pesticide user is responsible for applying pesticides according to label directions, as well as for problems that may arise through misapplication or misuse of the pesticide. Label changes, product cancellations, and changes in recommendations may have occurred since the publication of this guide. Check with your county Extension agent in agriculture if you are in doubt about a pesticide you plan to use. Trade names have been used in this guide for clarity, but do not constitute an endorsement by The Ohio State University, nor do they imply discrimination against other products.

Copyright 2018

(Copyright year included to provide context for herbicide chemistry and product name references, as chemistries, trade names and product registrations change frequently)

Chapter Authors

Dr. Deana Namuth-Covert, Professor and Ms. Amy Kohmetscher, Instructional Designer

Ohio State – Agricultural Technical Institute

College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

The Ohio State University

Select materials in this lesson are utilized and updated from:

Dyer, WE (2008), Inhibitors of Fatty Acid Synthesis and Elongation http://passel.unl.edu/pages/informationmodule.php?idinformationmodule=1130447055&topicorder=1&maxto=6&minto=1

Figure 1 (Top Left).  Assure II injury (WSSA Group 1 – ACC (HRAC Group A). Progression of symptoms from bleaching, reddening, then browning in blotchy to broad areas on the leaves.   Image from Paul Bachi, University of Kentucky Research and Education Center, Bugwood.org

Figure 2 (Top Right). Symptoms of seedling growth inhibitors herbicides.  Image from Kappler and Namuth at the Plant and Soil Sciences eLibrary.

Figure 3 (Bottom). Example of Dual II Magnum, a seedling growth inhibitor herbicide applied at a 2X rate.  (WSSA Group 15 –CDI (HRAC Group K3).   Image from Kappler and Namuth at the Plant and Soil Sciences eLibrary.


Lipids are important components of plant cell membranes and waxes.  Fatty acid synthesis and fatty acid elongation are two parts of a critically important pathway in plants that lead to forming lipids. In this chapter we look at the importance of these in a healthy plant.  We also look at two herbicide Modes of Action which inhibit these fatty acids, and hence lipids, from properly forming.   We will also describe what is known so far concerning resistance in weeds that has been found to these Modes of Action.  We start of the chapter by reviewing Mode of Action resource guides to better help you in choosing herbicide chemistries to utilize in long term weed management planning.


Principles of Weed Control Copyright © by Deana Namuth-Covert and Amy Kohmetscher. All Rights Reserved.

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