Chapter 4: Seed Reproduction

Chapter Authors

Dr. Deana Namuth-Covert, Professor and Ms. Amy Kohmetscher, Instructional Designer

Ohio State – Agricultural Technical Institute

College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

The Ohio State University

close up of nine weed species representing a variety of shapes and sizes
Figure 1.  Weed seeds are identified by their size, shape, and color. Seeds of nine weed species are shown. Photo by Peggy Greb. Provided by USDA-ARS photo library.

Weeds are survivors. Weeds produce thousands to millions of easily dispersible seeds across the landscape which can survive in the soil for tens or even hundreds of years. In this chapter we will explore the role dormancy plays in that, along with mechanisms that promote seed germination during favorable environmental conditions. We will also discuss the different ways weeds have developed which enable them to spread to different geographical areas. All of these concepts will be considered, as applicable to creating sustainable crop production systems.


Principles of Weed Control Copyright © by Deana Namuth-Covert and Amy Kohmetscher. All Rights Reserved.