Chapter 8: Noxious Weeds

Chapter Authors

Dr. Deana Namuth-Covert, Professor and Ms. Amy Kohmetscher, Instructional Designer

Ohio State – Agricultural Technical Institute

College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

The Ohio State University

a butterfly landing on a Canada thistle flower
Figure 1.  Flowering Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) in a field. It is considered a noxious weed in the state of Ohio. Image from Ohio State Weed Lab , The Ohio State University,

While all plants that are considered to be weeds can cause damage to crops, some are extra threatening and have been designated as being noxious. In this chapter we will discuss who designates a plant to be on a noxious list, as well as what legal responsibilities there are for land owners who encounter noxious weeds on their property.


Principles of Weed Control Copyright © by Deana Namuth-Covert and Amy Kohmetscher. All Rights Reserved.