
78 Country Report: Information Network



Hindustan Times: Is one of India’s largest english news website. The Editor in Chief of the site is Sukumar Ranganathan. The site offers news and coverages from India, but it also covers World News ,  elections, entertainment, Photos , Podcasts and etc. The site itself is in English. The site also takes you to the bangla.hundustantimes , which offers to turn the site into english or Bangla. The site does also subscriptions to view certain content more.


The Times Of India:  Is one of India’s leading newspapers, it has information regarding politics and current world news  , to sports , lifestyles and social. The newspaper is physical but also have an online option as well. The site is frequently reloading content, while on the site, you might get and options to reload and see the most current information.


The Hindu is a newspaper that offers a physical and e-paper version of the news site. The site also reports on different cities within the country such as Delhi , Chennai , Kochi and many more. Not only does it have a trending today tab and offers other things such as business, sports and entertainment but is also has a  coronavirus tab, and it  offers a Russia-Ukraine crisis tab to keep up with the current news of the situation.  The site is also mainly in English.


The Free Press Journal is an English Language daily newspaper that offers world news, entertainment , sport and etc. What does separate the sources from the rest is that it offers and opinion tab that seems to show news articles from different writers or journalist who talk about their opinions on a certain issue or situation.


I chose both of these newspapers because they’re some of India’s biggest newspapers sites and platforms that are traditional forms of information , but also offer a wide ranges of content within all newspapers. The shortcomings of the Times of India might just be be that the site changes and loads frequently , showcasing a lot of information at once. Also The Free press and the Hindu offer e- paper options or an app if you have access to a phone, which might be a shortcoming if you do not have a phone, but I believe all of these newspapers have physical options as well.

New media

The Indian Express group:  Is the largest network of reporters across India for multiple newspapers such as the Indian Express  and business daily and Financial Express and are published in multiple different cities such as New Delhi , Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata Pune and many more.  The group is committed to Independence in and fairness of their journalism. The director and chairman of this group is Viveck Goenaka


TheWire is a non-profit new and opinion site that can publish some of it information in english , Hindi, Marathi, and Urdu. It is founded by a no-profit organization called Foundation for Independent journalism site  and founded in 2015 by Siddharth Varadrajan, Sidharth Bhatia, and MK Venu. The site has a the options to look at politics , economy law , external affairs. It also seems to offer a whole section dedicated to that of opinions . This site is also one of the few that openly discuss opinions against the government. since most news sources in the country are supported by the government , hence possibly why the site is non-profit.


I chose this because this group is connected to multiple newspapers , being able to branch off in different directions. So I think it’s useful to have multiple sources connected to maybe get different perspectives , it is a similar reasoning for the wire.

YourStory blog sites is India’s largest platform of entrepreneurs within the country coming at #1. Shradha the founder of teh blog helps entrepreneurs worldwide gain exposure. The site covers stories from the different entrepreneurs ,  and start-ups. It even offers more than 12 indian languages.


Social Media sources

Ministry of Finance: @FinMinInida is the official twitter account for the Ministry of Finance in New Delhi India responsible for the countries finances. This account links you to the Ministries site and sections of each department for Expenditure , Economic Affairs , the Revenue , Financial services , Public Asset management and Public Enterprises.  The twitter account and site shows and gives information of India’s  Union or Minister and Ministers of State.



The Better India  twitter is India’s largest media platform that showcases uplifting stores and social impacts within the country. The account also has a facebook and and Instagram.  The account also can take you to the actual site of the account call thebetterindia.com that show stories, sustainability , brands in action , small business. The site also seems to offer and academy to help people lead better lives. They have courses such as Gardening and finances.




I chose this particular twitter account because I found it interesting that there was social media account for something as important as the countries finances. But I think it is a good way to get information out to people in and out of India. Better India is a nice media source because it is nice to see some good within a country sometimes instead of just seeing the bad or negatives, but it might come up short because of the prices for classes on the academy site.

TOI India is the twitter account for the Times Of India news paper. It gives the latest news from all over the country by digital news. Each tweet discussing something different and linking account users on twitter to the site of Times India if the newspaper and site something the user regularly or actively  sees or uses. If a user would want to see different perspectives on situations within the country , this account might not be the best for that. TOIIndia

Data sources


Data.gov India: Is and open government data portal that is under the National Informatics center and ICT organization of the government under India under the Ministry of Electronics & Information technology. It gives access to Government open data of shareable data. It offers a wide set of data from sectors , groups , central , state, APIS and etc. Also the data seems to only be presented in English.


I would go through https://www.data.gov/opengov/ to find this data portal which really helped narrow my search down for this. This site seem fairly easy to navigate when you get into it , being easy to find the different information regarding different data types.

unemploymentinindiacmie.com is open data site under CIME that gives the the estimated rate of unemployment within the country which is free for public consumption of all. This site is also the first generation of  fast- frequency measure of unemployment to help other global markets better understand and see the health of India’s economic health. You can also see from looking around that it is updated frequently. This site seems to only let you look at the information in english.


pib.gov.in This site is the Press Information Bureau(PIB) is a nodoal agency of the Indian government that showcases information of print and electronic media of government policies , programs , initiatives and achievements . The site also photos , infographics  and webcast videos. You can also see the information in english , Hindi, and Urdu.
These data site I was able to find through some of my global news post when those blogs or news site would post information regarding the country , so it made it easier to find some information. The shortcomings are that it can be a little hard to navigate the unemployment and the press bureau site if you don’t know what you are specifically looking for or understand what you are looking at.

All India Radio News: This radio service is offered in many different languages such as Hindi , English, Gujarati Marathi and many more. It offers National , International and state news services, It also has an Archive section to what I believe allows you to listen to past streams or lives. When you do click on a stream that has possible passed, it does say content unavailable, which is from youtube.


I had a little difficulty finding this so I took to twitter to try and find something about blogs or podcast in India, and while looking i found the twitter account @airnewsalerts which also gives you an @ to another account called @AIRNewsHindi which translates the account to Hindi and another to account for Urdu. They also have multiple social media accounts such as instagram and Soundcloud. The shortcomings of this would be the that a live stream is not available after that point in time when you click on a topic of conversation or current event, but I the archives of this site might be one one to get around this issue.

Deshbhakt. is a Youtube account that is one of India’s first and largest political & social satire platform. The Youtube is used to help make politics and the social issues within the country easier to understand. The channel also makes it known that it is an ” equal opportunity  offenders who believe that all political parties are the same and the citizenry must question everything and everyone to safeguard the interest of the country and democracy” It is mainly driven by its paying Patreon members.  He often bounces back and forth between english and another language with i’m not entire sure if it is Hindi or not , but English subtitles are offered.

The Deshbhakt. 

India Today Podcasts is a spotify podcast account that lets users audible here news within the country. The show says it ami’s to untangle stories of narratives from different sources that can distort information and leave readers perplexed.  The audio does seem to be mainly in English though , so that might be one of the shortcomings so this podcast.

India today podcast 


Quartz : Is a blog site based In New York founded in 2012 that has journalist that value  insightful analysis of global economies. The blog has current stories or issues that are going on in places such as India. They even have current stories and post to up to now with Russian and Ukraine and how it is possibly affecting India.


NewClick is an independent media organization that covers news from India and other countries with is main focus being on that of progressive movement’s. With options such as economy , politics , covid-19 culture, and even video options.  You can also change the site from English to Hindi and vice versa. The cites aims to report in depth news and views that can be ignored by corporate media whose agenda it says is “dictated by rich and powerful in the country.


India in Mexico is the twitter account for the Embassy of India within the country of Mexico , which is currently in Belize. It also links the user to the indiainmexico.gov.in site ,  the cite is also offered in both english and spanish. You can look at important noticies, the fb of Mexico, press release , newsletters and upcoming events.


The one weakness with this site might be that it only has a couple of countries with blogs stories about them,  but they do seem to keep up to data with current events as well. The other weakness is that if you want unlimited access to certain things , in order to not run into a paywall , you have to pay for a membership monthly or for a year.  The good thing about NewClick is that it allows someone who might not know anything about the country to see a totally different outlook from media sources that are funded by the government.



I had to do a fair amount of searching around for some of my sources. Some such as my newspapers/ magazines were fairly easy to find through google or PressReader. They’re easily accessible especially since both newspapers can be translated into english.  For the social media aspect it made it a little easier to find some things such as the Ministry of India and the All news radio for India. So twitter made my searching for information a little easier. The open data portals site(https://dataportals.org/ also made it easy for me to find a way to find data on my country. But on the global Newsstream , I did run into issues with trying to maybe find blog post about India from India. I would find a lot of sources from the The Jerusalem or Daily Maverick , which are both based in different countries. But is seems to be a fair amount of News coverage about India on those sites. It might take a lot of narrowing down to find more information.

April 17- When it came to looking for information that time around it was a little easier because I was able to  look back at sources from previous assignments and be able to use those and spend less time looking around.  By also Using the advanced search on twitter time , I was able to find some really good social media sources a little easier.