
91 Country Report: Information Network


New Media (Website)

The Local Italy is a news website that provides news across 9 countries including Italy, with an English version. This news website was created/edited by journalists from these 9 countries. The audience for the website is worldwide, especially foreigners who are traveling, moving, or working in Italy and trying to stay up to date in the community. Thus, the news content is related to health, culture, language, society, and business in Italy, it also covers practical tips for foreigners going to Italy.

It is accessed at https://www.thelocal.it/category/italy-news/ and on Twitter @TheLocalItaly

I chose this website because it covers a variety of topics in the country. There are many articles and resources provided on this website, it allows the readers to understand the country from different areas. I have followed the Twitter account and the account posts links for their updated news articles.

It wasn’t difficult for me to find this website because I used The Local Italy for one of my previous Global News Posts. I am planning to use this source to learn more about Italy’s local culture, businesses, and societal news. Since this websites’ news are for foreigners, I can easily make a comparison between the information and fact on the news.

Roman Daily News is an English travel agency website that provides news and blogs for tourists. Leader in providing guided tours and unusual excursions in addition to traditional itineraries, with services tailored to meet any client satisfaction goal. They provide news websites for their consumers to view. The blogs shares about Itlay’s local foods, current event, Covid-19 updates, etc.

The information can be accessed at https://www.romeanditaly.com/news/

I chose this website because it offers news for tourists, thus, the perspectives will be towards more the positive side of the news of Italy. I think this news will be helpful for me to collect information about Italy.

The Florentine is a news magazine for English speakers in Italy. However, they also have websites sharing Itlay’s news. On the website, they shared articles about arts, culture, food, things to do in Italy, etc.

The information can be accessed at https://www.theflorentine.net/news/

I choose this article because it shares many local activities, not just social events. I think I will this website to understand local Italian’s lives and through. Understanding their cultural norms through this website will help me when finalized the paper knowing how Italians think about their own social issue.

The EDRi network is a dynamic and resilient group of NGOs, professionals, advocates, and academics working across Africa to preserve and enhance digital rights. It has been the backbone of Europe’s digital rights campaign for nearly two decades.

It is accessed at https://edri.org/

I have been using this website to define my topics in detail. I will continue to use the data I found there to complete my final report on the facial recognition issue in Itlay.

The European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) is an acronym for European Travel Information and Authorization System. It is a fully computerized system that admits and tracks travelers from countries where visas are not required to enter the Schengen Zone. It mimics the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) in the United States, which serves a similar purpose. They have a new channel which is in English version provides local news from countries in Europe.

It is accessed at https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/

I choose this website because it provides news from tourism perfectives and I think it can be helpful because Itlay’s facial recognition issue will affect the tourism industry in Italy and Europe as a whole. I think this website allows us to follow the news and see views on the social issue.


Traditional Media (Newspaper)

La Repubblica: This newspaper is an Italian version newspaper for Italian readers. They categorize news content by topics and cities in Italy, sharing news on both local and global current events. All the articles in the newspaper or website are from writers from La Repubblica.

It can be accessed at https://www.repubblica.it/

I chose this newspaper because it’s from an Italian writers’ perspective to view the current social events that are happening in the country and around the world. It’s a good resource to compare when reading articles from other countries on the same topic, so I plan to use this resource to understand and compare the same topic news articles.

(This newspaper organization wasn’t hard to find either because it’s one of the top newspapers in Italy, however, the contents need to be translated because there’s no English version of it).

La Stampa: Italian national daily newspaper based in Turin, owned by GEDI News Network, is an Italian media conglomerate. This newsletter includes many articles from different categories. Including Italian Tech, taste, health, engines, etc. The source is updated by the journalist from the company.

It can be accessed at https://www.lastampa.it/

I chose this newspaper because it includes various topics of sources that I can use. It also provides different regions’ news in Italy which I thought it’s very helpful for me.

Metro: Italian free newspaper owned by Media Company Metro International. This newsletter is also for local Italians, however, their articles are about global events and also provide a local edition, which only shares about Italy’s local events. Metro focuses on service information and an original editorial offer. There are 6 editions as in many cities. According to its introduction, Metro is the most widely read and widespread international newspaper in the world.

The newspaper website can be accessed at https://metronews.it/news/

I choose this newspaper due to how wide the range there is for readers. I would be using this article to collect global information about my topic and compare it with Italy.


Traditional Media (Magazine)

Wanted in Rome is an English version monthly magazine for expatriates in Rome. This magazine covers multiple contents with photos in areas on events information, food, fashion, churches, galleries, exhibits, museums, and local travel.

The digital magazine could be accessed at https://www.wantedinrome.com/magazine-issues

I chose this magazine as another “traditional” resource because it provides me with more information and events on the cultural side, such as arts and religion are both relatively important in Itlay’s society. I plan to use magazines to discover the cultural environment news and events of the country which some other newspapers and news websites rarely cover.

(This source showed up when I was searching for newspapers, so it wasn’t difficult for me to find it)

Social Media

@newsfromitaly from Twitter is an English version blogger account that shares Itlay’s news, chat, info, views, and photos. This account is owned and run by publisher Alex Roe. This account posts the latest news that’s related to Italy from different platforms.

This Twitter account can be accessed at https://twitter.com/newsfromitaly

I chose this Twitter account because of the news posted on the account. This shares how other countries’ actions or global actions would affect Italy and Italian or how Italy is involved in those events and actions, which I haven’t seen on other resources. I plan to use this account to explore more news and source from its posts.

(I looked through other social media for bloggers or writers sharing Italy’s news, Twitter seems to have many bloggers that share articles on country events)

@ansa_english and @Agenzia_Ansa are news agencies in Italy. They have two versions, one in English and one in Italian. Shares about breaking news, news, photos, and videos from around the world. Updates 24 hours a day. I think that the English version shares more on Italy’s news and the Italian version shares more about news around the world.

The Twitter account can be accessed at https://twitter.com/ansa_english and https://twitter.com/Agenzia_Ansa

I chose this Twitter account because of its update frequencies. Also, I am able to compare the two accounts to see the kind of news they share on the English version account versus the Italian version one.

@South Tyrol from Twitter is Bolzano’s online newspaper. Language is Italian version, provides photos and videos on news, politics, sport, culture, entertainment, and economy of Italy.

The Twitter account can be accessed at https://twitter.com/alto_adige

I choose this Twitter account because it’s different from the other one, which their primary readers and followers are English language readers. I think this will be able to provide me with articles and views from an Italian standpoint.

Data source

OECD Data provides data charts for several countries in different areas. This website is in English and it covers data on agriculture, economy, education, government, health, society, etc. for Italy. They also ranked the countries on the general topics such as populations, GDP, tax, etc.

It is accessed at https://data.oecd.org/italy.htm#profile-economy

I chose this data organization website because it provides various pieces of data that can let me understand Itlay’s current position in the world, especially with the ranking. I plan to use this website to compare Italy’s performance in different areas and compare it with other countries, this allows me to find Itlay’s strengths and weaknesses in some areas.

(This source showed up when I was searching for data in Italy)

FRED Economic Data is an online database that contains hundreds of thousands of time series of economic data from a variety of national, international, governmental, and commercial sources. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ Research Department designed and maintains FRED, which goes well beyond simply providing data by combining it with a comprehensive set of tools that let users comprehend, interact with, display, and disseminate the data. This online data website provides rich economic data about Italy, including real residential property prices, GDP rate, unemployment rate, etc.

It is accessed at https://fred.stlouisfed.org/tags/series?t=italy

I choose this data website because it’s able to give me more details on economic data about Italy, I will use this website to measure the social issue’s impact on local citizens vs. other citizens with different GDPs. I think this will cause people and government to make different decisions.

World Data provides data around the world. Most of the sources are from the website’s own research and from publicly accessible databases. It provides details such as climate, populations breakdown by cities, political indicators, etc.

It is accessed at: https://www.worlddata.info/europe/italy/index.php

I choose this data website because it provides me with political indications, which I think it’s important for my research topic. I will use this source to understand Itlay’s current social environment.

Visual Media (Television)

Euronews is the news television network in the English version. It shares worldwide news and local news for European nations. They categorize the media by separating them by nations and topics, it covers business, sports, travel, culture, etc. and by clicking the Italy tag, it will show up the most updated news related to Italy.

It is accessed at https://www.euronews.com/news/europe/italy

I chose this television network because it provides a broader perspective on the European region. Also, the update frequency is daily. I plan to use this media to see the different perspectives when it comes to the same/similar topic.

France24 is a France international news  24 hours live channel broadcasts in French, Arabic, English, and Spanish. Both articles and news are in English. This news channel covers news in areas such as Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas on different topics content such as business, tech, travel, sports, and culture.

It is accessed at https://www.france24.com/en/tag/italy/  and Twitter account @France24_en

I chose this news channel because I think it’s important to gather information from a channel that has no Italian residents as its target audience. I would like to use this channel to discover the differences/ similarities in viewpoints on different platforms when they face different audiences/readers.

7 Gold is a Milan-based Italian-language television station. It’s nationwide news and general entertainment channel that airs a wide range of daytime programming, sports, news, and current events.

It is accessed at http://www.my7.tv/

I chose this news channel because it is one of the biggest news channels in Italy, so I think I can collect many helpful articles from this website.

Class CNBC is an Italian TV business channel based in Milan focusing on the Itlay market. This channel focuses on the business market in Italy and around the world. It doesn’t have an English version, it was for Italians.

It is accessed at https://video.milanofinanza.it/

I choose this channel because I think the business environment needs to be known too. Especially my topic is related to business market too.