
124 Country Report: Information Network


Netherlands: Information Network Draft

Traditional Periodicals:

  • Technical Weekly: This Dutch magazine provides articles in the field of technology and science in the Netherlands. It is one of the largest media sources in the field, and the source encompasses a three-person editorial team with a collection of freelance employees based in the Netherlands. This magazine is written in Dutch but can be translated to English on their website through Google Translate. This source offers a great perspective as it is written by Dutch citizens in Dutch, unlike other sources. This source can be accessed through this link: https://www-technischweekblad-nl.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=nl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc, or in written publications.
  • The Guardian: Global news organization with an entirely independent structure. The guardian is owned by Guardian Media Group and has only one shareholder, the Scott Trust. This news organization provides journalism for various readers worldwide. In regards to the Netherlands, The author of the article, Daniel Boffey is from Brussels, Belgium. The guardian has authors from all over the world and it is written in English. You can access this source through this link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/21/dutch-creator-of-the-voice-john-de-mol-accused-of-victim-blaming-over-sex-abuse-allegations-on-show and through a print copy of this newspaper that can be purchased from a local shop, or delivered to your door.
  • Dutch News.nl: This source provides Dutch news and current affairs in English for an international audience. The goal of this source is to provide information and events so non-Dutch speakers can keep up with events. This source is composed of a international staff, reporting on Dutch news, which offers an interesting perspective, but might be limited without people actually residing in the Netherlands. You can access this source through this link: https://www.dutchnews.nl/about-us/the-team/
  • Reuters News Agency: This source provides coverage of global information in various languages, connecting people world-wide. This source provides real-time information and offers the chance for people to comment and edit. This source utilizes tweets, images and audio to enhance their posts. This source can be accessed through their website: https://www.reutersagency.com/en/about/about-us/, Twiiter, LinkedIn and Youtube.

 New-media text base sources:

  • Netherlands Global Voices: Global Voices is an international, multilingual, mostly volunteer group of people who write, translate, and produce these stories. This source offers regular stories about the Netherlands from both people who live there and other various perspectives. The author of the article, Ricardo Diaz, is a Mexican student studying at the University of Amsterdam, living in the Netherlands. This offers an interesting perspective as he lives in the country but is not a native. This source can be accessed through this link:https://globalvoices.org/2021/01/22/dutch-climate-activists-block-climate-ministry-entrance-to-demand-release-of-shell-papers/ by Ricardo Diaz.
  • Media Landscapes: Media landscapes provides expert analyses of the state of media in European countries and neighboring states. This resource is available for students, research, journalists, and editors. This source is very useful for the Netherlands as Media Landscapes was created by a partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the European Journalism Center. It gives details on print, broadcast and digital outlets. The source can be accessed through this link: https://medialandscapes.org/about

Data sources:

  • Data Commons: Data Commons produces publicly available data from open sources in order to serve students and researchers. This source simplifies a single graph from these sources and organizes them to be useful, simple, and effective. This source works alongside Google and has mastered utilizing external, already available data from government agencies. This offers an unbiased focus on statistical data from the Netherlands and various countries worldwide. This source can be accessed through the Data Commons website: https://datacommons.org/place/country/NLD?utm_medium=explore&mprop=count&popt=Person&cpv=isInternetUser%2CTrue&hl=en.
  • The World Bank: The World Bank group consists of 189 member counties, staff from over 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations. This source is a unique global partnership comprised of five institutions working together to share information globally. This source is useful because it has data on climate in the Netherlands from an unbiased source. The source can be accessed through their website: https://www.worldbank.org/en/what-we-do
  • Government of the Netherlands: The Netherlands Government website provides data that will be useful for my project. Information of history, government, current policies, and other information published directly from the Dutch government. The limit on this source is perspectives from outsiders, but this source will allow me to use this unbiased, accurate data. This source can be accessed through the link: https://www.government.nl

Visual/audio based sources

  • Dutch News Podcast: The Dutch News podcast posts weekly podcasts about current events in the Netherlands, based in Amsterdam. The podcast is spoken. In English, and tackles various topics regarding the Dutch government, the medical field, current news events, and international topics as well. This podcast is very informative and offers people’s true opinions on events. This podcast aims to educate and inform an international audience.This source provides unbiased, straightforward news, not afraid to call out the Netherlands, offering a very interesting perspective from native people to the Netherlands along with guests. This podcast can be listened to on Soundcloud through this link: https://soundcloud.com/dutchnewsnl, or directly from the Dutch News website: https://www.dutchnews.nl/features/.
  • HCSS Podcasts: HCCS Podcast, dedicates an hour long podcast regarding the Dutch Climate agreement. HCSS, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, is delivered by a Dutch citizen in English, but can be translated on YouTube.  They also have other podcasts surrounding Dutch history and current affairs of climate response in the county, proving very beneficial for my final country report. This podcast can be accessed on YouTube through this link: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheHCSSNL/about

Additional sources

  • History of the Netherlands Podcast: This podcast offers information on the Netherlands dating back to the end of the last ice age until the modern era. This source was developed in 2017 by the Republic of Amsterdam Radio. This source is very useful because I can make references back through history and understand how the country has developed compared to recent events. Additionally, readers can leave comments and consider points with other readers, offering various other perspectives. International and domestic listeners can access this podcast through Feedspot: https://www.feedspot.com/infiniterss.php?_src=feed_title&followfeedid=5032671&q=site:https%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.megaphone.fm%2Fhistoryofthenetherlands or through the Republic of Amsterdam’s website: https://www.republicofamsterdamradio.com/historyofthenetherlands.
  • Springer Link: This source provides research with access to scientific documents from journals, books, series, reference works and proceedings. This is a global publisher composed of authors and editors from around the world. This source is useful because it is scientific, and unbiased and provides content from both Dutch-based and global based authors. This source provides numerous posts about the Netherlands, being very useful. This source can be accessed through this link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40802-020-00172-5
  • AP News: The Associated Press is an independent news organization dedicated to factual reporting, originating in New York. This source is beneficial because it provides both Dutch based news in Dutch, and outsiders reporting on Dutch news as well in English. This source can be accessed through the link: https://www.ap.org/about/

Process Notes:

I started with searching for Dutch News in Google and found The Guardian, Dutch News.nl and Reuters. Next, I utilized the Global Voices source as we learned about it in class. Then, I searched for magazines published in the Netherlands also through a Google search to find Technical Weekly, and the Dutch News Podcast. Furthermore, in order to find statical data on the Netherlands I accessed Data Commons through google as well and knew about the World Bank from other classes. Lastly, I stumbled upon the History of the Netherlands Podcast the same way I found the Dutch News Podcast.

Overall, my sources provide a wide variety of perspectives and ideas while also proving unbiased and factual. These sources will help me compose my final country report.