
52 Country Report: Information Network


Kathimerini: This source is a daily political and financial newspaper that is based in Athens, Greece. It has existed since 1919 and has always been seen as a reliable source that incorporates multiple opinions and beliefs into its news, with an overall moderate political view. The English edition of this paper is sold in the United States as a supplement to the international version of the New York Times


I chose this source because it is one of the oldest and largest news sources in Greece, it provides reliable daily coverage of what is going on in Greece and thus provides very good big picture. The source also includes opinions from various perspectives, meaning that overall, it is a good source to find out what is going on in the country and what various groups think about this news.


AgroNews.gr: This source is a Greek news publication that specializes in agriculture and rural communities. It is a weekly publication that is released every Saturday. The publication aims to be a stable channel of communication between rural professionals and markets and decision-making centers. It is published in Greek.


I chose this source because it is the largest and most respected source of agriculture/rural related news in Greece. This publication has been around for almost 20 years and has a strong online presence, making it one of the best news sources for Greek citizens living in rural areas and/or working in the agriculture industry.


Greek Reporter: This is an online source that prides itself on being an international news network for Greeks. They put emphasis on being a news source that is composed of Greeks living outside of Greece. They cover news that impacts Greeks around the world, included topics that impact Greece but also the rest of the world. This English website is constantly being updated with additions of new articles from a wide variety of contributors from around the world. A possible weakness of this source is that its authors are not guaranteed to be reputable, but this also is a positive as they want a wide variety of sources from across the world.


I chose this source because I think it offers a unique and relative perspective on Greek news. It looks at the topics impacting the Greek community from a global lens. They pride themselves on being a community of international Greeks that focus on Glocal (global and local) news that touches on both what is happening in Greece but also around the world. I think that this is a very valuable and unique perspective to have, and I chose this source for that reason.


Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs Twitter Account: This is the official verified twitter account of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs that tweets in English and Greek. This is a very active account that is constantly updating the world on where Greece stands on a variety of international issues. The account has done a great job recently updating the world on talks between Greek leaders and members of other governments and NGOs regarding the Ukrainian refugee crisis stemming from the Ukraine-Russia war and what Greece is doing about it.


I think that this is an important source to have because you are getting the information fast and direct from the source, the Greek government. This is a good first place to look for news as you will hear what is happening but will not be getting any opinionated news or different perspectives, which is a weakness for this source but that is fine because it performs its purpose of being direct from the government news very well.


Data.Europa.eu: This is the official online data portal for European data, it covers 36 countries and has about 1.4 million different datasets with more being added consistently. This website is funded directly by the European Union and displays information in 24 different European languages. This portal collects public data made available across Europe and is managed and updated regularly by the Publications Office of the European Union. This source includes datasets on an extrememly wide range of topics including, but not limited to, econonmy & finance, energy, health, environment, local regions & cities, government & public sector, and more.


I believe that this is an extremely valuable source as it is very reliable and reputable due to its backing by the European Union, and is organized extremely well in a way that allows a speaker of any European language to find data on any topic and at any geographic scale, with European data available as well as country, region, and city specific data also.


Alpha TV: This is one of the largest Greek TV stations. They air a mix of Greek and foreign shows. They air multiple types of media that includes reality tv and game shows, but they also air multiple news shows throughout their daily programming. They are owned 100% by Alpha Media Group Ltd.


I believe that this is an important news source to consider as it is likely viewed more by Greeks that do not actively seek out their news. I am sure many of their viewers watch their hour-long news specials in the morning or night before or after their favorite shows and that is how they consume their news. Having this source can be very useful as it shows what an average Greek tv watcher will see.


In.gr: This news site is one of the most accessed websites in Greece. As far as I have seen they are politically centrist and report in Greek and English on a wide variety of news including local, national, and global. They have existed since 1999 and are currently owned by Alter Ego Media S.A. They regularly publish news articles on everything from news to sports to entertainment. A weakness of this source is it appears to be closer towards a more opinionated tabloid, but it still presents a wide variety of information and provides different opinions of this information.


I chose this source because it is a good way to get exposed to Greek news. Their variety of news including sports and entertainment means that there is a large and diverse audience on the website and therefore it can be a good source of various perspectives, which can be useful to have from a source.


Gazzetta.gr: This is a unique online Greek newspaper that focuses on sports coverage, but also includes relevant national and international news. This source is published in Greek and has grown since its start in 2008 to become the largest source for sports related news in Greece and is regularly updated.


I believe something unique that makes this source valuable is how it focuses on sports and attracts a sporting audience, but they also present people with relevant national and international news. This gives good insight into what news the average Greek citizen, who may not be as interested in current events, is being exposed to. A source like this is also likelier to post neutral articles that simply describe a situation and present the facts without getting into opinions, since they are making their news concise for readers that aren’t necessarily interested in current events.


Paratiritis: This is a local Greek newspaper that is published weekly in Greek. This source is based in the relatively small Greek town of Komotini in Northeast Greece. Not much more information on this local paper is available.


I believe that this is a very useful source because most Greek news comes out of Athens, the capital city in the south of Greece. Having a perspective from this local paper which is based very close to the border with both Bulgaria and Turkey, as well as the cities of Kavala and Thessaloniki, can provide a different perspective than most news coming out of Athens and offer a very important regional perspective. This paper appears to have relatively less funding and size which is certainly a weakness of the source, but regardless it offers a unique local perspective that the major sources cannot.


KeepTalkingGreece: This source is an English blog that focuses on news impacting Greece. This source was created in 2010 as there was worldwide expectation that Greece was going bankrupt and that “the citizens of the debt-ridden country were lazy and corrupt” according to the creators of this blog. They wanted to create this blog for Greek citizens to be able to share their perspective to the world. This source regularly posts Greek news relating to politics, economy, and society with a personal perspective that makes sure the average Greek citizen is being represented.


This is a very strong and useful source because it provides a realistic Greek perspective, which is extremely important given that Greek news and journalists have been working in a hostile environment the last several years and some may be afraid to share how they feel. The fact that this source focuses on the perspective of the Greek people and is a blog that allows comments on their articles makes this source useful as it gives a unique point of view that has not been influenced as much by the government. A consequent weakness is that some information may not be reputable as it is difficult to assess the credibility of the bloggers and commenters on the blog.


The Pappas Post: This online source was created by a former contributor for the Huffington Post, it is a leading site for all things Greece in the English language. This source is constantly updated with mainly news with a good dose of Greek culture and photography. Gregory Pappas, the creator of the site, spends his time between NYC and Athens.


I believe this is a valuable source because a lot is known about the creator and main contributor of the site, Gregory Pappas. He is a reputable journalist who has lived around the world, including Greece, and has worked on many different projects across many mediums. I believe for that reason this is a trustworthy source with a known perspective because you know exactly who is writing this content and what to expect from them. This makes this source very valuable when you need an opinion/perspective that you trust and can rely on.


ANA-MPA News Twitter: This twitter account, the Athens News Agency-Macedonian Press Agency, posts Greek news with an international perspective. They have two accounts, one that posts in English and one that posts in Greek. They are based in Athens and rely and post about 15 times a day.


This is a strong source because it frequently posts news relating to the country of Greece. Because of how often they post I have noticed that they will sometimes tweet about quotes or new developments to a story. These are small events that sometimes do not warrant a full story but are still helpful to know as a news reader, and following this account is a perfect way to do it.


IOM Greece Twitter: This is the official twitter account of the International Office for Migration in Greece. The IOM is an international organization based in Switzerland dedicated to facilitating the movement of immigrants across borders. This account regularly tweets English updates about migration efforts and refugee crises impacting Greece.


This source can be useful when examining the impact of the movement of people in and out of Greece. This source has a global perspective but relates to Greece so it can be a great way to get an official and trustworthy overview of any immigration storylines impacting the Greek people.


World Health Organization: The WHO is a specialized agency in the United Nations whose objective is for people across the world to attain the highest level of health possible. They have access to immense amounts of data in multiple languages (Greek is not available). Their databases feature collections of different metrics across the world, but one is also able to go in and access information on a per country basis, such as looking at data that only pertains to Greece.


This is an extremely valuable source as it holds a wide variety of data, research, and resources that are available to the public. This is a source that should be used when needing data not only for Greece, but most countries across the world.


Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development: The OECD is an international organization based in Paris that focuses on working with citizens and policy makers to shape policies that promote equality, opportunity, and well-being for all. This organization stores vast amounts of data and information that can be used to shape policies and analyze citizens. They offer multiple languages (Greek is not available). There are 38 countries with membership, and Greece is one of those. Greece has their own separate page of data that features information across many different economic and social sectors.


This appears to be a very valuable source for economic data. The separate page dedicated to Greece is also extremely comprehensive and appears to have data and statistics for a wide variety of topics ranging from energy to education to government. This appears to be the best source for finding any economic statistics about only Greece, as many other sources of data look at the world as a whole.


Sto Stoma tou Laki: This is a Greek news podcast that is available on streaming/podcast platforms. It is released every Thursday and is hosted by Lakis Lazopoulos. He is a famous Greek actor, screenwriter, news presenter, and writer. This source is mostly a weekly news show but also features opinion pieces and interviews relating to what’s going on in Greece and the world.


I think this can be a valuable source because it is a good resource for hearing opinion pieces from an influential Greek celebrity. Due to his position in society, I would imagine that many Greeks listen to and respect his opinion pieces, so listening to this podcast would not only be a good way to get the weekly news but also hear personal perspectives on it. Of course a potential downside is that his information is not reliable or his opinions are skewed, but that is possible with any opinion pieces.


GreekNewsYoutube: This is a YouTube channel that posts several 1–2 minute news recaps a week. They also post occasional 1-2 hour news broadcasts on their channel. This account has about 10k subscribers and posts in Greek. They have amassed millions of views since the channel was created back in 2010.


I think that this can be a valuable source because it is accessible to anyone in the world and is entirely free to view. This breaks down the barriers for news, especially with the fact that they post very short and easy to watch videos. This can be a great source for getting a quick recap of what is going on in Greek news. A worry for this source is that not much other information is known about the creator of these videos, meaning this content needs to be consumed with caution and a critical eye.


EuroNews: This source is one of the largest news channels in Europe, reaching 145 million people every month. They have multiple platforms, including a website that is published in several languages, including Greek. This source reports on European news with an international perspective.


I think that this is a useful source for Greek news because it reports on what is impacting Europe with a global perspective, which can be helpful to have when trying to get different perspectives on what is happening in Greece. This is also a massive source that reaches large audiences across many platforms, so what this source has to say about Greek news is what most of Europe likely believes.


TurkishGreekNews.org: This online source reports regularly on both Greek and Turkish news in both languages. The purpose of this website is to report truthfully on news impacting Greece and Turkey through pro-peace journalism. They attempt to give full context and unbiased information behind all news in an attempt to avoid conflict and promote peaceful resolutions.


This is a useful source for getting a more unbiased perspective on news coming out of Greece. Many Greek sources likely have a biased perspective of any Greece-Turkey conflicts, so having a source like this that can give the entire perspective is very valuable. This is also a good way to stay informed on what is happening in Turkey, which is good to know for those living in or closely following Greece.