
159 Country Report: Data Visualization

Grace Weems

Tertiary Education in Sweden among Females and Males

(Link to visualization: https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/pi1ZG/1/)

When I was looking through datasets regarding topics in Sweden, I ran across many dealing with education. However, most of these charts were not very enlightening as primary and secondary education enrollment is very equal among females and males. When I found this dataset regarding education beyond high school, I was quite shocked to see the stark differences between enrollment of females and enrollment of males. The gap is rather large and I am curious to try and research why this may be the case. When making the visualization, I chose to do a grouped column chart using Datawrapper. I chose this visualization style because I think it makes the data easy to understand, visualize, and compare. By making the columns different colors, I was able to easily distinguish the differences in enrollment between males and females for each given year, with additional data regarding total enrollment. In the photo above, the enrollment rates are above each column, but if you go to the link provided underneath, a clearer graph will appear and you can hover over each column for the numbers. Each category is out of 100% regarding that category. That means, the female and male enrollment rates for each year do not equal 100%. The female enrollment rate is the percentage of females that attend tertiary education, and vice versa.

Gross Enrollment Ratio (%) of Tertiary Education in Sweden by Sex, between 2011-2019.
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Gross Enrollment Ratio (%)
Total 72.8 68.8 63.2 62.2 62.3 63.5 67 72.5 77.3
Female 88.1 84.1 77.4 75.7 75.6 77.5 82.1 89.8 95.9
Male 58.3 54.2 49.7 49.3 49.6 50.3 52.7 56.1 59.8

UNESCO. Tertiary Education [Data set]. UNESCO Institute for Statistics. http://uis.unesco.org/en/country/se?theme=education-and-literacy

(Link to Excel table of dataset: sweden tertiary education)