
178 Country Report: Data Visualization

Hikari Nawa

Below is the table created from the data found in a website of Committee to Protect Journalists.

I chose to use the bullet bars for the visualization of this data because it shows the change in the number of journalist prisoners in Turkey by year as well as the ratio compared to the total journalist prisoners around the world. Turkey is known for the media censorship by its domestic government, and some news articles state that Turkey is one of the top ranking countries with the number of journalists that are imprisoned. There is no specific trend drawn from this data, but the past five years see the decrease in the number of journalist prisoners in Turkey while the total number around the world has increased. This could indicate an optimistic view for the government’s attitude on the coverage of journalists. However, Turkey still struggles with granting the freedom of expression; for example, there are imprisoned activists who have been questioned for their imprisonment from the neighboring countries. Seeing the change in the number of journalists in Turkey is merely one of the perspectives for measuring the freedom of expression in Turkey, and there should be more work done for Turkey to provide more rights for its citizens.

Data Source: Committee to Protect Journalists. (2021). Journalists Imprisoned. [Webpage for Data] Retrieved from https://cpj.org/data/imprisoned/2021/?status=Imprisoned&start_year=2021&end_year=2021&group_by=location