
51 Country Report: Data Visualization



(Map that shows frequency of tags per country in Guardian articles relating to Greece from September 1, 2021 to March 3, 2022)

(Word cloud that shows most-used key terms in Guardian articles relating to Greece from September 1, 2021 to March 3, 2022)


(Screenshot of the whole system)

(Screenshot of the Guardian articles widget, used to find articles)

(Screenshot of the Preprocess Text widget, used to clean up text)


The two data visualization techniques that I decided to use are a world map that shows country tags in articles relating to Greece, and a word cloud that shows the frequency of words used in articles relating to Greece. I used both of these data visualization techniques together because I believe that they paint a better picture together and give complementary information. The map shows that France, Germany, and China are the most referenced countries in relation to Greece. France and Germany are likely due to their economic importance to Europe and China is likely due to the recent economic ties between Greece and China (Belt & Road Initiative) as well as COVID-19. Looking at the word cloud we can see that the media overwhelmingly views COVID-19 as the most important issue, with Omicron, vaccinations, and death/infection reports being the most frequently reported on information.

The source of my data is all guardian articles from September 1st, 2021 to March 3rd, 2022 with Greece in the headline, content, or tags (see screenshot of Guardian articles widget)