
146 Global News Post 1


News Article

Synopsis: On January 2nd, 2022, the South African parliament building caught fire and it took 12+ hours for fire officials to control the flames and left severe damage to the building and its contents. The article details how a man, Zandile Mafe, was suspected and ultimately confessed to having set fire to the building. Mafe faces multiple charges including terrorism and arson, and was quoted as saying it was “the right thing to put the Parliament on fire as at the moment it is not helping the people of South Africa”.


Longar, M. (2022). Safrica-Fire-Parliament. Getty Images. Retrieved 2022, from https://www.gettyimages.com/search/photographer?photographer=marco%20longari&assettype=image&family=editorial&page=4&recency=last30days&sort=mostpopular.

Analysis of Evidence: This article was pulled from one of South Africa’s breaking news sources, News24. The article uses multiple phrases such as “prosecutors said in court” and “the prosecutors reported.” While this hints that the information was sourced from court documents and official records, no direct source is given in the article.

Perspectives in the article: In addition, the article seems to be a bit skewed and shares a biased perspective given it does not provide background to the political situation in South Africa and the reason why Mafe said the government was not helping the people.