
164 Global News Post 1


Swiss government says no to EU deal

Switzerland, long time member and supporter of the European Union (EU), and the EU are undergoing negotiations regarding the replacing Switzerland’s scattered and disorganized network of agreements. This reform effort centers on institutional framework agreement, which would serve as the successor and framework of Swiss-EU policy agreements within one document. However, Switzerland’s Federal Council choose to reject the document on three points: wage protection, state aid and citizen’s rights under the EU’s policy titled the free movement of people. The institutional framework agreement would furthermore have radically changed the power dynamics between Switzerland and the EU. The Court of Justice of the EU would be the primary interpreter of EU law alongside mandatory acceptance of any change to EU laws.

Swiss government says no to EU deal utilizes evidence from a variety of mediums including video, direct quotation, and hyperlinks to other stories.

The article takes a neutral perspective regarding the efforts of both the Swiss and the EU to reach an agreement. However, the article does notably mention Swiss contributions to the EU and not vice versa.

Note: Picture of Swiss official May 5th 2021
