
166 Global News Post 1


From Global Voices: “What’s Happening in Thailand? Youth Activists Rally to Protect Democracy, Freedom of Speech

By Darika Bamrungchok of EngageMedia

[Photo of Pro-Democracy Protesters at the Democracy Monument in Bangkok, Thailand]. (2020).


This article discusses the series of protests that have been occurring in Thailand over the past couple of years, as the country’s people have become increasingly disgruntled with the Thai monarchy. The first wave of protests, which took place in late February of 2020, were formed by students that were angered over the dissolution of the Future Forward Party, a powerful pro-democracy group that opposed Thailand’s militaristic government. Since then, Thailand’s youth has staged various protests in 55 out of the country’s 77 provinces. The student-led movement have organized behind the Free People Movement, and formed three demands that they wish to see changed in the current government, including the dissolution of Parliament, the end of intimidating and arbitrarily arresting critics, and the re-writing of the Constitution, which is strongly military-backed.

There are many complaints about the systematic censorship of the local media, as the government has increased online surveillance and prevented the peoples’ freedom of expression, especially on social media platforms. It is increasingly difficult for citizens to speak their minds, or gain access to coverage that is critical of the Thai monarchy.

Because of media censorship, local media outlets are unable to candidly report on the protests that are occurring: If they freely report on the government’s harassment and intimidation tactics towards the protesters, they become vulnerable to financial backlash and legal repercussions. However, the article still included a video interview with one of the leaders of the Free People Movement, Tattep “Ford” Ruangprapaikitseree. While the interview was conducted in Thai, the video has translated English subtitles available.


EM News. (2020). A Conversation with Ford of Free Youth [Video]. Cinemata.


The article also provides additional links to webpages that provide more background information on the protests, and specific details about the Free People’s Movement history and purpose. These attachments help to provide context as to why these protests are significant to fight against the suppression of Thai citizens, and for the government to have a democratic structure.

Youth activists have received positive reception from those outside of Thailand’s borders. Companies like Facebook are prepared to legally challenge the national government’s request to shut-down pages that are critical of the monarchy’s actions. Additionally, many Free People movement hashtags and symbols have gone viral, spreading the movement’s agenda on the international scale.