
119 Global News Post 1


https://globalvoices.org/2021/01/22/dutch-climate-activists-block-climate-ministry-entrance-to-demand-release-of-shell-papers/ by Ricardo Diaz

Photograph from Extinction Rebellion Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CKMFxhuK-9n/











This article shares how climate activists in the Netherlands are demanding transparency from their government regarding funds and connections to Shell corporation. 

This article was written by Ricardo Diaz, a Mexican student at the University of Amsterdam, living in The Netherlands.

This article discussed pleas for climate action, more specifically Extinction Rebellion Netherland’s mission to accomplish this. This article does so by explaining the specific non-violent movements the Extinction Rebellion has led and quotes from certain spokespeople. 

This article included links to Instagram accounts and Twitter pages from Extinction Rebellion Netherland, which showed photographic evidence of certain protests surrounding this topic as well as demands from the Dutch Ministry of Economic and Climate Affairs. Additionally, the article included links to news reports in regards to the Extinction Rebellion’s efforts.