
127 Global News Post 1


Nigerians sign petition to scrap English language test


[Photograph of Nigerians studying for IELTS Exam]. (n. d.). Exam Planet. https://examplanet.com



Young Nigerians are petitioning against the British Council against the unfair testing of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. The IELTS exam is an English proficiency exam administered to non-native English speakers. The reason why this issue is being debated is because English is the official and national language of Nigeria, therefore, Nigerians should be exempt from being required to take this exam. As a growing and developing nation, this obstacle of the IERLTS exam is putting a major hurdle in path for success for many young Nigerians. In order to study abroad in the United States, United Kingdom, or any major developed country, taking and exceeding in this exam is mandatory. However, to make it a requirement for students to take this exam when they have been learning and speaking English their entire life seems ineffective. Rather, it puts more pressure on students to exceed in this exam because without a top grade IELTS score, it is nearly impossible to seek admission at any school. More time and energy is wasted in the preparation of the exam, rathe than directly applying the basic vocabulary skills Nigerians grew up learning. This exam is a “rip-off” to young Nigerians who are being exploited by the British Council. There is currently a Change.org petition going around which has been signed by over 64,000 Nigerians attempting to repeal this senseless legislature.



