
65 Global News Post 2: Aid team from mainland China went to assist with Hong Kong current epidemic outbreak

Zelin Dai

Article: Aid from mainland to Hong Kong brings Wuhan experience against epidemic by Liu Caiyu and Chu Daye.


Photo: AFP. (2022)


This news article from the Global Times share the story about the current Hong Kong epidemic outbreak. The aid team from the mainland was put together quickly to help with the sudden outbreak of epidemic in Hong Kong. The 114 team members arrived on Saturday to Hong Kong consist four management personnel, four specializing in treating severe cases, and the rest are 106 testing personnel. Many have the experience of dealing and controlling with COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan just years ago. On Sunday, another 14 deaths and dozens of severe cases were reported by Hong Kong health authorities. 

Although there are some differences between the Wuhan outbreaks, which happened two years ago, and the current Hong Kong outbreaks of coronavirus epidemic, the experienced personnel in the team is still a great value when it comes to this epidemic outbreak. We earnestly hope that the situation in Hong Kong will improve as soon as possible.

This news article is published on a China’s authoritative media outlet, the Global Times. Global Times also provides other global news as well, such as the current Ukraine crisis and news related to the past 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. This source is therefore highly reliable, and citations of professors’ views about this described event is also included in this news article. Link to the Global Times official website is provided below.

Source from:

Global Times,
