
74 Global News Post 2



Image Credit: Twitter A grab from the video that has gone viral of Muskan Khan confronting men in Mandya college. WorldAsia https://gulfnews.com/world/asia/india/india-meet-19-year-old-muskan-the-poster-girl-of-pro-hijab-protests-1.85594367


Hijab ban stirs protest in the Indian state of Karnataka. In the last couple of weeks, Protests of a ban of hijabs in colleges have caused public outcry.  The ban would attack female students who wear them and prohibit them from attending classes. The ban would also be backed by the  state government , which is led by  the right-wing  nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)  which would state ” “clothes which disturb equality , integrity and the public law and order should not be worn.”  This ban is one of the many instances the news article states of marginalization the muslims minorities within the country . This issue wouldn’t fully into view until female students in December 31st of 2021 would start to protest they were not allowing them to attend classes because of the Hijabs.  Following this ban though , other schools would quickly follow suit which would cause more outcry from female students that said up until then, they had worn hijabs with no issues at school for a long time.

Attacks on muslims within in India has been continuously on the rise , especially recently with an app called Bulli Bai, that would target well know muslim women such as lawyers,  journalist, writers activists and social workers and would have the women’s faces edited on to lewd photos claiming they were for sale.  By February , one college has allowed some girls who wear Hijabs and enter the premies , but would not allow them to sit with the class but in a different classroom and not allowed to take lessons. This would be seen as an act of segregation and apartheid based on religious identities. This issue would also lead to public out cry on the social media app twitter with videos such as a young girl apart of a Hindvuta group storm colleges , standing up to the groups leading to her to hailed for for her courage to do so , and becoming the face of these protests.