
87 Global News Post 2: Italy Constitution Court Blocks Euthanasia Referendum


Italy’s constitutional court blocks right-to-die referendum by Hannah Roberts

Marco Cappato (center), a campaigner with the Luca Coscioni Association
Ferrari, E. (2021). [Photograph of Marco Cappato (center), a campaigner with the Luca Coscioni Association, prior to the filing of the referendum request for the legalization of euthanasia in Rome, Italy, on April 20, 2021]. POLITICO. https://www.politico.eu/article/italys-constitutional-court-blocks-right-to-die-referendum/


This article shares about Italy’s constitutional court that has blocked the attempt to hold on the voluntary euthanasia referendum from the public, which this referendum have received 1.2 million signatures. The court states that “the minimum constitutionally necessary protection of human life, in general, and with particular reference to the weak and vulnerable.” They think the law is the hope that can provide to the weak and vulnerable and the referendum was “inadmissible”.

This article has mentioned that once a referendum passes the 50,000 signatures, the Italian Constitution Court needs to hold the vote amending existing laws. However, if the constitutional court tries to amend the law based on the vote, it will change the country’s panel code on murder, which Italian law has stated that whoever assists someone commits suicide will be defined as a crime. In the year 2019, the court has decriminalized assisted suicide under the approval of an ethics board and local health authorities. Since 2019, lawmakers started working and promoting the referendum. After the court’s decision, Marco Cappato, who was involved in the 2019 suicide assist ruling, mentioned “bad news for those who suffer and must continue to suffer unbearable misery against their will.”

This article overall expresses the concerns for both sides of the society and the government in Italy when it comes to euthanasia. The 1.2 million signatures have represented the attitude of Italian citizens towards euthanasia, and society is still fighting for their rights. Governments are concerned euthanasia will be used for the crime if it’s legalized or it will weaken citizens’ faith.