
167 Global News Post 2


From ThaiEnquirer: “Democracy Leads to Inequality,’ says Government Textbook, Sparking Public Outrage Over Potential Propaganda

By Natcha Patanasophon

[Photo of 2020 Thai Government-Approved Social Science Textbook]. (2022).


The news article discusses the recent public outcry after a secondary school textbook, which was recently approved by the Thai national government, included a quote saying “Democracy leads to income and social inequality. Democratic elections are highlighted as a big financial burden on the country,” (translated). The textbook went viral after a photograph of the passage was shared on social media, causing people to become angered over the anti-democracy propaganda that is being pushed in the educational setting. Social media users have voiced their complaints about the controversial textbook, with many of users focusing their frustrations over the clear bias that was shared in the school-book meant for children. 

This is not the first time that the Thai government has taken an anti-democratic stance, with the government previously cracking down on youth-led Democracy protests. More about the protests can be read about here: https://ohiostate.pressbooks.pub/intstds4850sp22/chapter/global-news-post-1-18/. In response to the textbook, Veasarach Chartyingjareon, the leader of the Nonthaburi New Generation Network and member of the Nonthaburi Progressive Movement, said that the government should allow for children to have all of the facts relating to the situation, and be made aware of their rights. He continued that “the government should instead encourage students to think, rather than forcing them to believe in given lessons,” (translated) (Patanasophon, 2022).

Despite attempts by the national government to suppress political rights, Thai citizens have continued to raise issues with the new regime. Even outside of Thailand’s borders, many people are supporting their efforts.

The article’s webpage also provided links to the social media comments that were posted in response to textbook, with many of the users sharing with their own thoughts and opinions on the controversial topic. Additionally, the webpage included an accessibility attachment, with a voiced transcription of the article so that people who may be visually impaired can listen to it, and links to other news articles that were published by the ThaiEnquirer.