
120 Global News Post 2



John de Mol

John de Mol receiving an award in Berlin for The Voice of Germany. Photograph: Reuters

This article discusses how the creator of reality tv shows such as The Voice and Big Brother has been speaking out about abuse claims on the Dutch version of The Voice. 

This article was written by Daniel Boffey in Brussels, Belgium who is the Guardian’s Brussels bureau chief. 

This article discusses the biography of John De Mol, and the specific allegations being thrown inside his company. Singers and employees of the Voice decided to come forward with allegations of abuse from coaches on the show. This article emphasized how John De Mol wishes the victims spoke out sooner to avoid people stopping watching the show.

This article utilized first-hand quotes from John De Mol and others involved, pictures of John De Mol, but no other links to other articles for more information. The article also included quotes from others regarding the situation.