176 Global News Post 3: Turkish Drones in Ukraine-Russian War
Hikari Nawa
Source: https://www.proquest.com/middleeastnews/docview/2642356419/2D6F5113DD704AB9PQ/13?accountid=9783

This article “TURKISH DRONES: A persistent thorn in Russia’s side” talks about how the Turkish drones have helped the military system of the battlefields around the world, including the latest war in Ukraine against Russia. The Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 combat drones have made significant attacks on Russian military since its invasion in Ukraine, impeding the Russian convoys, anti-aircraft systems and combat vehicles. The article raises that the Turkish drones have made appearances specifically in anti-Russian occasions, supplying the countries who fight against Russian military or Russian allies. While Turkey would want to avoid completely straining the relationship with Russia and the Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister has announced that it is not an aid from Turkey and it merely is a purchase made to a Turkish company, this business of drones can potentially help the economy of Turkey by a significant margin.
At the end of the article, it is noted that the article is written by “the legislative fellow at the Endowment for Middle East Truth(EMET), based in Washington.” According to the EMET website, it is a Non-Profit organization that works to challenge the misrepresentation about the Middle East, and is in pro-America and pro-Israel stance, which could mean that the perspective is biased towards American and anti-Russian. Since the publisher—The Jerusalem Post—is mostly factual and not largely biased by the government, we could assume that while it could be reporting factual information, the voice in the article could be anti-Russian and might be purposefully missing a part of the story.