
11 Global News Post 3


“The controversial government booklet that tells journalists how to deal with the Malvinas issue”

[Cover of “Malvinas: soberanía y memoria” booklet]. (2022). Clarín. Parte-el-cuadernillo-con-las___d9x-hgrn1_720x0__1.jpg.


Argentina is currently remembering the 40th anniversary of the Malvinas War. The Office of the Public Defender of Audiovisual Communication Services, led by Miriam Lewin, released a booklet containing recommendations for journalistic treatment of the topic. It is titled “Malvinas: Sovereignty and Memory”. Specific recommendations include not referring to islanders as “kelpers”, since it is an English term, and referring to the island’s British authority as illegitimate. It also asks journalists to call the British acquisition a usurpation and claims that the people of the islands are not sovereign, but are without self-determination, being established by a colonial power. While there is regional and some global support of Argentina’s claim, which is emphasized, no government refers to Britain as a usurper or colonialist in the situation. The book also says to use Spanish names, such as Puerto Argentino instead of Port Stanley, although this name was assigned by dictator Leopoldo Fortunado Galtieri. The booklet fails to mention the popular support of his invasion but states that his government was illegitimate and disregarded Argentina’s tradition of peaceful settlements of disputes. This document essentially “inhibits alternative or different thinking about the conflict”. By demanding the perspective of Argentina’s legitimate sovereignty, it implies that any other is pro-British or anti-homeland. The booklet was made with state money and sponsored by the Malvinas Museum, the director of which is close with Tristán Bauer, Minister of Culture. Only civil and Kircherist associations and groups are mentioned on the last page for further consultation.


The main form of evidence used in this article is quotes or direct information from the booklet, chosen to highlight the government’s point of view and purpose. There are also facts to contextualize the release of the document, such as pointing out that Miriam Lewin has received criticism over wanting to control media in the past and the popular support of Galtieri’s 1982 invasion.


Clarín takes a critical stance of the current administration in general, which is important to keep in mind. The author of the article, Natasha Niebieskikwiat, has written about the Malvinas issue in the past. She published a book in 2014 titled “Kelpers’’ with the subtitle, “Neither English nor Argentine: A view of the nation that is growing off our coast”. It contains islanders’ family stories with the intent of Argentinians’ better understanding of them as people. She agrees with the validity of Argentina’s claim to the islands but believes a new approach is needed; politicians often take populist approaches to the topic and for most Argentinians, it does not impact their daily lives. Source: MercoPress. (2014, March 29). ‘Kelpers’, helping Argentine to understand the Falklands growing nation. https://en.mercopress.com/2014/03/29/kelpers-helping-argentine-to-understand-the-falklands-growing-nation.