
128 Global News Post 3


US sanctions six Nigerians for aiding Boko Haram

A Chadian soldier walks past an armored vehicle that the Chadian military said belonged to insurgent group Boko Haram.

Emmanuel Braun. (2022). A Chadian soldier walks past an armoured vehicle that the Chadian military said belonged to Boko Haram.

This article shares the story of six Nigerian who were giving financial aid and assistance to the Nigerian terrorist organization, Boko Haram. These 6 Nigerian were in the United Arab Emirates and intended on sending $782,000 to Nigeria from Dubai. They were founded guilty of that intention, the effort to set up a Boko Haram cell in Dubai, as well as 2 of them being sentenced to life in prison. Following this, the United States placed heavy sanction on these individuals as an anti-terrorism initiative with the United Arab Emirates. The United States first recognized Boko Harm as a violent terrorist group back in 2013 and has been working closely with member states to reduce the spread and influence of their group.

This article overall focuses on the actions taken by the United States and United Arab Emirates in response to Nigerian mercenaries. The article did mention that these individuals are being deported back to Nigeria, but did not give much exposure in the the point of view of the Nigerian States. Multiple quotes from the US Treasury department were included to validate the Us’ positions and no statements of Nigerian officials were included. It will be interesting to follow this story to examine what Nigerian officials will say, and what action they will take to reduce international terroist funding.