
49 Global News Post 3


Bookings rate is in free fall: Food service professionals report a major slump in both patron numbers and in turnover by Dimitra Manifava

[No Caption]. (2022).



This article discusses how the tourism industry in Greece has been negatively impacted by the Ukraine-Russia war. It is noted that Poles and Romanians have not been booking as many hotels due to fears the war may spread to their countries, and bookings from Russians and Ukrainians are not expected at all. There is still optimism that the booking season will simply be delayed because of the war and that tourism will pick up later in the year. Approximately 25% of Greeceā€™s GDP comes from the tourism industry, so the Greek economy has a lot riding on the potential recovery of this industry.


The evidence in the article comes from reputable sources that do research on this topic. All the evidence comes either from the Greek government or from the leaders of organizations that focus on the hospitality industry, meaning that the evidence is coming from those who are most knowledgeable about the situation.


The perspectives from the article focused on those that have been directly impacted by the financial changes noted in the article. They used quotes from the president of the Hellenic Hoteliers Federation and the head of the restaurateurs association. This clearly shows that the article focused on getting the perspective of high-level executives in the industry, who can provide insight into what is expected normally from the industry and how it is impacted on a macro scale. Insight from lower-level employees in restaurants or hotels can provide a different perspective on how the industry has been impacted at a more local level.