
162 Search Activity 1/27/2021

  1. What type of information are you finding (news, data, maps, reports, encyclopedia articles, videos, etc.)?

Wikipedia site for Northern Europe and specifically Sweden is included at the top of the page. Most resources available under “Western Europe” deal with inter-Europe relations between European countries. There is also a link to https://guides.loc.gov/maps-illustrated-guide which includes various types of maps and atlases. There are many articles regarding key issues in Europe, such as climate change and migration. These resources include PDFs of books, articles, experts, and websites.

2. Are there particular resources that look interesting/helpful? What might you want to return to?

One of the biggest topics in Sweden right now is the issue of immigration. This site has many resources regarding immigration and migration within Europe, especially regarding EU policies toward immigration and migration. In particular, under the “People” tab, there is a source called Global Migration that looks interesting and I will likely return to see if it includes anything of importance. There is also a source linked on the page (https://www-europaworld-com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/entry/we.essay.6?authstatuscode=202) that is focused on Europe and breaks down common issues and topics regarding Europe as a whole as well as Sweden in particular.