
149 Country Report: Wikipedia


Uganda has a robust and well-informed presence on Wikipedia with a page full of information about the country, its history, and its culture. The page details in-depth the history of the country from pre-colonial Uganda to the present day. In addition, it also provides information about the geography of the country, government and economics, and the demographics and culture of the country, among other things. The site has over 200 references listed and was last edited two days ago on February 9th, 2022. The Uganda Wikipedia page is a very similar page to many other countries and provides detailed information about the country for those looking to learn more.

While the use of Wikipedia is definitely prevalent in Uganda, it is not a fully widespread information source. In January of 2022, there were about six thousand unique page views from users in Uganda. However, there were ten thousand unique page views from the United States and seven thousand unique views originating from France. This shows that while Ugandans utilize Wikipedia, it seems as though it is not widespread enough to be a main source of information in the country.



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