
82 Country Report: Wikipedia


Indonesian Wikipedia was created in 2003 and exists as a separate wiki written in Indonesian. There is also a Malay Wikipedia, which is in Malay, another language spoken in Indonesia, but this wiki remains separate and was created by a different group. Wikipedia states that this separation occurred because the languages differ along national borders.

Indonesian wikipedia reached 600,000 articles in October of 2021 and was said to be the 5th fastest growing Wikipedia in an Asian language. It has 3,282 active users and 1,306,885 registered users.  Some of the top viewed articles have over 200,000 views and between 0-60 editors. There have been 143 million page views and 806,000 edits in the last 12 months. Considering the population size of Indonesia, being around 273 million people, and that about half of the population has internet access, the amount of registered and active users would give the impression that Wikipedia is not as popular or widespread.

The Indonesian Wikipedia has a wide variety of information about the country, from history and geography to social issues, controversies and popular culture. I found articles about mass killings, popular TV shows and celebrities, basic word descriptions, folklore, information on other countries, political figures and corruption, and more. While looking at these articles I checked on the profiles of around 50 different editors. Although a majority of them did not have any personal information, the rest are largely teenagers to young adults. The oldest person I saw contributing is 36 and the youngest is 12. Multiple people included their interests, which had a wide variety, and all are from Indonesia. However, when I looked at the live changes map I saw that people from the U.S. and South America were also editing Indonesian Wiki articles. I would be interested to see the location of the Indonesian editors and get an idea of which islands have more contributors, as well as how many editors come from outside of the country.


Wikipedia Pages Citations

Indonesian Wiki Facts:  https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Istimewa:Statistik

Top Articles: this is where I got most of the articles that I mentioned https://pageviews.toolforge.org/topviews/?project=id.wikipedia.org&platform=all-access&date=last-month&excludes=

Indonesia Wiki:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesian_Wikipedia

List of Wikipedias:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias

Wiki Library indonesia info: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_movement_in_Indonesia

WikiMedia Stats:  https://stats.wikimedia.org/#/id.wikipedia.org

Indonesia Internet Stats:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_Indonesia

Recent Changes in Indonesian Wiki:  http://rcmap.hatnote.com/#id