
89 Country Report: Wikipedia


According to the List of Wikipedia, there are 1,740,076 (1.7M) Wikipedia articles and 7,335,052 (7.3M) pages in Italy with 2,215,751 (2.2M) users and 125,322,704 (125M) times edits. However, there are only 8,875 active users in Italy Wikipedia, which accounts for 0.004% among all the users in Itlay. From Wikimedia Statistics, there are around 649M views on Wikipedia pages in Italy and 880 Wikipedia editors from Italy.

The most seen editor on the Italy Wikipedia page is called Luke Willer, and the edit frequency is about daily with the last edit on February 11th, 2022. There are many pieces of information provided in Italy, starting from a brief introduction about Italy’s geography and history of the starting of the country. Wikipedia page also includes detailed information on the name of the country, history, geography, politics, economy, demographics, and culture.

According to Italian Wikipedia, Italian Wikipedia was widely spared and used frequently in Italy. Italian Wikipedia started in 2001 and has rapidly grown since then. In 2010, Italian Wikipedia become the 4th largest edition.