
29 Country Report: Wikipedia


Spanish Wikipedia is rapidly growing everyday. Currently, there are approximately 1,751,155 articles written in the Spanish language. This makes Spanish Wikipedia the eighth largest Wikipedia, but it ranks number four in terms of edits. Spanish Wikipedia consists of both Peninsular Castilian and Latin American Spanish. Of all Spanish editors, 7.0% of them have roots in Chile. Chile’s impact and role in the world of Wikipedia does not go unnoticed.

Last month, Chile had approximately 45 million page views. There were approximately 190 active editors. While the amount of editors in Chile is somewhat modest in comparison with the rest of the world, the country’s amount of page views last month is rather impressive. In all of Spanish Wikipedia, there were approximately 691,000 edits in January.

Chile’s Wikipedia page provides a plethora of information about the country, starting with the Spanish colonization and extending all the way to modern day culture. There is plenty of demographic and economic information provided as well. While there are many editors of this page, there are a few that stick out due to their recurring and repeated activity. One editor goes by Sigehelmus, and it appears that they have a great interest in medieval and middle age history. Another editor, Moxy, has contributed many edits to the page. These are just a few of the editors, but there are thousands more. Wikipedia has undeniably planted itself deep in Chile.




