
204 Country Report: Information Network


Neue Zürcher Zeitung:

This newspaper is one of the major Swiss newspapers which was founded in Zurich back in 1780. It is written in German, and it is known best for its objectivity and detailed articles. It seeks to cover international affairs, politics, business, and technology. This newspaper has both paper and online versions, and the online version is set up by section on different topics. It features its most popular articles on the front page.


It can be found at https://www.nzz.ch/.


I chose this newspaper because it is one of the most popular newspapers in Switzerland with a great history. Additionally, it covers important topics while taking an objective stance on these issues. It is also easily translatable and has an English version online.


Basler Zeitung:

This newspaper is another popular Swiss-German newspaper founded in Basel in 1977. It is also written in German, but it has a unique format. It is divided into two sections: one that covers Swiss and international political events and then another section that has a more regional focus covering smaller issues and events such as athletics. It has a similar setup on its website to Neue Zürcher Zeitung with the different sections outlined at the top and the most popular articles on the front page.


It can be found at https://www.bazonline.ch/


I chose this source because it covers international events while also providing the Swiss opinion and perspective on the events. Since it is a smaller paper as well, it highlights smaller issues focused in the Basel region in addition to major issues occurring within Switzerland and other countries.


Newly Swissed:

Newly Swissed is a digital blog that covers many aspects of Switzerland, primarily culture, tourism, and events. Newly Swissed was founded in 2010 and has a team of reporters, contributors, and editors committed to putting out an array of articles. The topics of Newly Swissed articles are less concerned with major political issues but more geared towards opinionated views on all things Switzerland.


It can be found at https://www.newlyswissed.com/blog/page/2/


I chose Newly Swissed as it was named one of the best blogs for getting to know and understand Switzerland. Additionally, the articles are less objective and more opinionated, so they give a unique perspective on different Swiss topics. I also like how it is a source that covers the highlights and beauties of Switzerland rather than just political stories and news.


House of Switzerland:

House of Switzerland is a twitter page run by Alexandre Edelmann who is the head of Presence Switzerland, an organization responsible for promoting Switzerland’s image universally. House of Switzerland posts multiple times a day about all things Switzerland. House of Switzerland promotes information on the Swiss government, sports, and more. The twitter page has an optimistic feel and highlights the better aspects of Switzerland. It also posts polls to collect the opinions of other Switzerland residents.


It can be found at https://twitter.com/HofSwitzerland


I chose this account because it is one of the most followed accounts relating to Switzerland. They also post a variety of statistics and information rather than just opinionated views. Finally, they are a verified account so the account is authentic and represents the organization Presence Switzerland.


Euromonitor International’s Global Market Information Database:

This is a database that provides an extensive array of datasets and information on global business, market research, and analysis. It contains a large amount of data gathered from global businesses and economies and allows you to compare different countries. There is also a search bar which easily allows you to look up a country and the database then provides you with a variety of data sets divided up by category.


It can be found at https://www-portal-euromonitor-com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/portal/magazine/homemain/?stateId=2rn0to


I chose this database because of its structure and how easy it is to use. For example, if I input “Switzerland” in the search bar, it returns with hundreds of results categorized by market sizes, economies, company shares, etc. I used this database for my data visualization project and found it very useful. I also like this source because it provides great data on the business side of Switzerland as well as other European countries which is not as abundant in the other information sources.


SRG SSR (Swiss Broadcasting Corporation):

The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation is a company located in Bern that owns 26 different radio and TV channels. The company is under the ownership of four other broadcasting corporations that each run under a different language used in Switzerland. Their website has many different features and publications from news articles to twitter posts, but the most important feature is that you are able to play Suisse, which is the main streaming platform that features Swiss films, documentaries, and regular programming.


It can be found at https://www.srgssr.ch/en/home


I chose this because it is the largest media company in Switzerland and it provides a variety of information in many different forms. It compiles videos, reports, news, and more and covers a wide array of topics. It also features everything in your preferred language so it is easy to translate.



Blick is a Swiss newspaper that was founded in 1959. It was the first tabloid style newspaper in Switzerland, but due to controversy, it switched back to a broadsheet style. It is accessible online and provides many different news topics such as sports, politics, and business. It still retains some of its tabloid style by its appearance and the articles do seem to be a little less serious than newspapers like Basler Zeitung and Neue Zürcher Zeitung.


It can be found at https://www.blick.ch/


I chose this newspaper because in addition to providing serious and pressing issues like the newspapers listed above, it provides information and exciting visuals that drag the reader in. I think it could be very useful for gaining additional opinions on pressing topics while also being able to explore the other articles. It also has an entire section on the war in Ukraine and would be a great source for information on how the war has affected Switzerland.


Process Notes:

I searched for these sources by researching the most popular and highly rated sources in Switzerland. I figured the lists of sources would give me a great start on my search, and from there I was able to examine the sources to see which ones could potentially benefit me when researching Switzerland. The only difficulties I had to overcome were finding sources and databases that restricted my access. This could either be by requiring a subscription/payment or not being easily translatable. I ended up choosing a variety of popular and well-known information sources in Switzerland, and because they are so popular, many of them are offered in languages outside of the Swiss national languages. This made it much easier to analyze the sources. I will have to do much deeper diving to find new sources that are trusted, easy to use, and accessible for the final draft. I plan on finding sources from my original sources, likely references or links that may be embedded in the articles and data.


Added Sources:


Luzerner Zeitung:

Luzerner Zeitung is a popular Swiss newspaper that was created in 1996 via a merger of two different newspapers. The website has an e-paper option in which you can view the daily issues but it also has the standard links to articles on its mainpage. It covers a variety of different topics and touches on affairs and issues in other countries in addition to Switzerland.


It can be found at: https://www.luzernerzeitung.ch/


I chose this as a news source for a few different reasons. First, I love the e-paper option that is provided as you are able to read all of the daily news and articles in the form of an actual newspaper and not just a website. You can also download it as a pdf. I also like it because there are 6 different regional versions of the newspaper and each version highlights issues that are occurring in that specific region of Switzerland.


Der Bund:

Der Bund is one of the oldest Swiss-German newspapers that was founded in 1850. This newspaper is especially unique as it is associated with the cause of liberalism. It was one of the most popular newspapers through the 19th and 20th century, advocating for the cause of liberalism. However, in recent years, its circulation has greatly decreased and it is not nearly as popular as it once was.


It can be found at: https://www.derbund.ch/


I chose this as a source because of its unique connection to a political cause. It was originally a neutral paper but eventually took the liberal side and this can still be seen as some of the articles available to read seem to have biased and opinionated titles. This newspaper has a specific section for both Bern and Switzerland as a whole, but it also has a variety of other articles relating to more global issues.


Die Weltwoche:

This source is a Swiss magazine that was originally founded in 1933 as a newspaper. It has a very political focus in its articles and the majority of its columnists have a political affiliation. It is set up with a very simple home page in which its most recent articles are posted with titles that seem to be made to grab the attention of a reader. For example, one of the current article titles ends with, “What is she up to?”


It can be found at https://weltwoche.ch/

I chose this source because I did not yet have a Swiss magazine as a source, and this one focuses heavily on politics rather than tourism, daily life, etc. I also like how the columnists are from a few different political stances such as the social democratic party of Switzerland and the people’s party. With these different columnists you get a variety of perspectives and viewpoints.


The Local:

This source is a European blog that has subsections for a few different countries including France, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and more. Each country’s site has its own editorial team to ensure that they are collecting valuable information from residents itself. It features a variety of articles that pertain to the economy, politics, jobs, and even food & drink. The Local was originally created in Sweden in 2004, but the Switzerland edition was created recently in 2018. It is very user friendly with tabs that navigate you to news from different regions of Switzerland.


It can be found at https://www.thelocal.ch/


I chose this source because it is written in English so it is very accessible to American readers. Additionally, the articles are unbiased and provide objective stances on a variety of issues. The only downside that I have noticed is that some of the articles require you to be a member to access. However, it seems that the majority of the articles that require membership are less oriented towards politics/news but more towards fun and enjoyable themes.


Diccon Bewes:

This source is a Swiss blog named after its sole author, Diccon Bewes. Bewes grew up in England but eventually moved to Switzerland and writes about it ever since his move. The link takes you to his website but he actually has a blog that you can access through the website. His blog covers a variety of topics mostly pertaining to life and travel in Switzerland. However, he also has a political section of his blog, and he is a reliable source considering he studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science.


It can be found at https://www.dicconbewes.com/


I chose this source because I did not yet have a blog that had a singular writer, and I thought it would be neat to have a source that fit this description. It is especially nice because while his articles may be somewhat opinionated, they are all consistent with his ideas and viewpoint. The website is also  very easy to use and in addition to the blog, you can access books, videos, and his podcast that are all about life in Switzerland.




SwissInfo Facebook Account:

This source is a facebook page that is run by the main Swiss broadcasting corporation (SRG SSR). The page posts frequently and mainly focuses on political issues but it covers a wide range of other topics as well. The page posts news stories with links that can take you to their website to read the articles further.


It can be found at https://www.facebook.com/swissinfo/]


I chose this source because I did not yet have a Facebook page, and I feel that Facebook is a more professional platform than some other social media applications. Additionally, the source is very reputable as it is connected to the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation. I wanted to include this source because my final essay touches heavily on the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation.


Embassy of Switzerland in the USA Twitter Account:

This source is a twitter page that represents the Swiss Embassy in the United States. It published lots of news articles that relate to both the US and Switzerland, and it also reposts other posts from popular Swiss figures like Ignazio Cassis. I am not sure who exactly runs the account but it is under the supervision of the Swiss ambassador in the US, Jacques Pitteloud, and his personal twitter account is linked in the embassy account’s bio.


It can be found at https://twitter.com/swissembassyusa?lang=en


I chose this source because I wanted to include a page that focuses on foreign relations, and this twitter account posts a lot of content related to that. Most importantly, the account is in English and it is a window into how Switzerland and the United States interact. I especially like how frequently the account reposts information from other embassy accounts so you can learn about how Switzerland is interacting with countries around the world just by going to this specific account.


OECD Data, Switzerland Profile


This source is a data bank that was put together by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. I specifically chose the profile it created for Switzerland. It is very organized and easy to navigate and contains data about a variety of topics ranging from agriculture to energy to jobs and society. Under each topic you are able to examine data that relates to various subtopics, and you can also view graphs and data visualizations from each.


It can be found at https://data.oecd.org/switzerland.htm


I chose this source because of its ease of use, the variety of topics, and the data visualizations. I really like how the data bank is set up, and you are easily able to click a link on the side and you will be directed to the topic you selected. I also like the data visualizations that are provided. They are all simple, yet they are not simply bar graphs or line charts. There are a variety of data visualizations that are also interactive.


Switzerland Federal Statistics Office:


This source is a data bank created by the Swiss government with a variety of statistics mostly pertaining to the economy and financial data within Switzerland. It is not as easy to use, but it does have extensive data over a number of years with many different tables and time series’.


It can be found at https://nsdp.admin.ch/oblique/home


I chose this source because it came straight from the Swiss federal office. I also like the focus on economics as Switzerland’s economy is one of its strongest features. Additionally, the time series allow you to observe trends and identity key years in which a topic was affected. You are also able to view the Fiscal sector data to analyze government spending and allocations.


World Radio Switzerland:


This source is a 24 hour radio station in English that is available in Switzerland. It was originally created by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation in the 1980s to improve Switzerland’s international reputation. It plays a variety of programs ranging from lifestyle programs to frequent news broadcasts. It is available to listen online on its website, and you can also access additional news sources, articles, and the radio schedule on the website.


It can be found at https://www.worldradio.ch/


I chose this source mainly because the radio station is only in English. This makes it very accessible to me as a listener. Additionally, I like how you are able to access other news reports on the website if you are not able to listen to the live broadcast, and if there is something in the broadcast you are looking for specifically, you can look at the broadcast schedule. Finally, it is available 24 hours a day with 12 hours being dedicated to news reports so it isn’t just a station for music and entertainment.


Radio SRF 4 News:


This source is a radio station based in Switzerland that covers a number of different programs, specifically news, politics, and the economy. It has a website that is very easy to navigate in which you are able to tune in to the live radio, but you are also able to read news reports and articles that are posted on the website’s home page. It has a variety of different programs as well which you are able to scroll through and listen to.


It can be found at https://www.srf.ch/audio/heutemorgen


I chose this source because it is a station that covers the topics I am most interested in regarding Switzerland. I like how I am able to choose from different programs, and the best feature is that you are able to find programs that were broadcasted earlier in the day or the week and you can go back and listen to them again. It is easily accessible and can also direct you to different podcasts of all genres if you are interested.


20 Minuten:


This source is a Swiss newspaper that is written specifically for the German speaking parts of Switzerland. It was created in 1999, and is one of the most popular newspapers in Switzerland. It covers many different aspects of life in Switzerland such as sports, politics, and weather, but like many others, it does have region specific tabs to read about more specific news pertaining to certain areas. It is widely available in train stations and makes it a popular choice for commuters.


It can be found at https://www.20min.ch/


I chose this source because it is the only newspaper I have chosen that is only written in German. Switzerland has 4 national languages, so it is interesting to have a paper that is solely written in German. I also like how in addition to the articles on the website, you are able to watch a variety of videos and listen to news podcasts. Additionally, the online version of the paper has puzzles like sudoku and crosswords to do in your free time.


Corriere del Ticino:


This source is another Swiss newspaper, except it is written exclusively in Italian, making it mostly region specific. It is a very old newspaper and was established in 1891. Its website is not as user friendly as some, and it is organized in an interesting way. However, to simplify the website, there is a bar at the top with a number of different topics you can choose from. It is updated daily and covers many different topics.


It can be found at https://www.cdt.ch/news


I chose this source because like 20 Minuten, I did not have a newspaper that was solely written in Italian, another one of Switzerland’s national languages. I also think that this paper has a really interesting feature. You are able to read about objective news stories, but there is also a section for opinionated articles. This is very helpful for research. This newspaper was also endorsed by the BBC as a reliable source in their Switzerland media guide, so it can be trusted.