
28 Country Report: Information Network


Journal Du Cameroon: French, newspaper is one of the most used newspapers in the country and also allows people from the U.S who are Cameroonian to have access to what is going on in their home land.. Journal Du Cameroon is one of the first Cameroonian general information websites. Since its creation in 2008, it has been publishing diverse content, permanently updated and adapted for the Cameroonian community spread across the globe. They aim to inform readers objectively and enable them to understand their environment.

It is accessed on Twitter and Facebook and also online at https://www.journalducameroun.com/

I chose this site because it is a major news source and it covers all topics that are needed in the world. They are pretty up to date, not only online but also on their social media accounts.

Cameroon-Info Net:  This newspaper, just like Journal Du Cameroon is also widely used by Cameroonians and everyone else as well. It’s the most popular news and breaking news outlet in Cameroon and everything they report happens in real time.

It is accessed on Facebook and Twitter and also online, and provides visuals on TV as well. https://www.cameroon-info.net/rub/cintv.html

CameroonOnline: Is a French and English blog-based news outlet online that covers all the main stories happening in Cameroon; whether it has to do with politics, sports or music, they cover it all and it’s not just blog wise but also provide it’s services on radio, tv, youtube tv, as well as podcasts as well. Their blog ( i believe) is pretty up-to-date. They upload upload 8 articles per week and have a lot of following on there as well. They also have the weather on there as well. It is accessed through https://www.cameroononline.org/  I chose this news outlet because it has a variety of topics, not only that but you can tell just by looking at their website, just how organised they are and how well they update their topics. They also not only have things on Cameroon but also Africa as a whole and the whole world as well; which i found interesting.

Cameroon News Agency: A Cameroonian news outlet that is used on facebook to access any news about Cameroon and what is going on there. Cameroon News Agency’s Facebook page aims to offer the most complete and balanced information possible and covers major Cities in Cameroon especially the Anglophone regions, from where they started. They sometimes post international stories pulled from foreign pages. They are a media organisation based in Douala, Cameroon, their mission is to provide timely and reliable news, information, and analysis on the most pressing issues in Cameroon. They strive to bring  readers the best quality content through their website, print publications, and social media accounts. This page is accessed through facebook but they also have an online account as well. https://cameroonnewsagency.com/  https://www.facebook.com/CAMEROONNEWSAGENCY/

I chose this because I think it does a good job of knowing it’s readers and where their readers would want to get the most information; which is Facebook, because that’s where most African parents or people in general get their information from now-a-days. I think it’s also very well organised and easy to find where stories would be located.

Actu Cameroon: I wasn’t able to find any Cameroon news outlets that provide data for Cameroon. But Actu Cameroon has live videos in which they talk about any topic and also provide the stats within the video as well. This is accessed through https://actucameroun.com/ I chose this website because it’s the only one that I could find that talked about topics and provided some sort of data.

Camer.Be: This news outlet is both used in Cameroon and Belgium. I want to assume it’s because there’s a lot of Cameroonians in Belgium, and it was probably created so that they can keep up with the events in Cameroon. There isn’t really much on the creation of the website but I would say I like the organisation of it and how in every topic there’s a subtopic that goes along with it. It is accessed through gmail, facebook, twitter, and youtube and also https://www.camer.be/ I chose this because i thought it was an interesting mix : having Belgium and Cameroon together as they both get information about their countries.

Cameroon24net: This news outlet is based in Cameroon and has every topic on there, and is also very up-to-date. You’re also able to write to the creators if you have information or an important thing to report, which i though was pretty cool as well. They don’t say much about the creation of the website but just that it updates everyday or whenever they receive information.

This is accessed through youtube and online. But they also have a blog and a tv channel a well. https://cameroun24.net/index.php

Le Bled Parle: This is a news article is a site dedicated to news in Cameroon, Africa and around the world. Find every day the latest African news, news from Cameroon and all useful information. Live and daily news in Cameroon. All African news in summary and videos. Political news, miscellaneous social events, media news, analyzes and all the news in real time and continuously. This site also has social media accounts, such as Instagram, facebook, snapchat, and twitter. The news site was created in 2012 by Koko Aldo, who was a computer science student. This news site currently ranks as top 3 most viewed news site in Cameroun. This site is accessed by https://www.lebledparle.com/en/

La voix du paysan: This news article was created in 1988 by Bernard Njonga. This newspaper popularizes, even democratize information, especially that which accompanies the most vulnerable peasants/layers in their economic, social and cultural development; influence policy decisions and hold decision-makers to account. As I look at the website, it mostly focuses and gives information on a farmers life and they even included the forecast map to let people know when it’ll rain and when it won’t. This site also give people the space to debate things going on throughout the rural area of Cameroun. They have 12,000 subscribers served in Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Benin, Ivory Coast, France, Belgium, Germany, Canada, USA. This site is accessed by https://www.lavoixdupaysan.net/

CamerounWeb: This website was created in 2017 and is owned by AfricaWeb holding. CamerounWeb is a news portal that offers an objective, balanced and alternative content about Cameroon to educate, inform and entertain the various diverse population of the country and its diaspora. CamerounWeb comes in both desktop and mobile versions for easy accessibility either from a computer, feature phone or smartphone.The website launched in 2017 became the most popular and most patronized website in the Central African nation. It focuses on a variety of things, from sports, business, entertainment, general news, an opinions section for self-created blogs and many more things. i also like this website because it features their youtube videos on the website as well. It is based in Cameroun and it’s language is originally in French; I think some of it’s strenghts is that it does a good job at allowing people to voice their opinions on the matter they report about. i think this is a good source because they feature a lot of things and also allows readers to see what other people have to say on certain topics; sort of like allowing the readers to have a voice in something. This site is accessed by https://www.camerounweb.com/

AllAfrica: Cameroun This website, AllAfrica is a voice of, by and about Africa – aggregating, producing and distributing news and information from over 140 African news organizations and our own reporters to an African and global public. AllAfrica’s multi-channel platform is the only independent, comprehensive pan-African news source, with unrivaled reach and reputation, which was founded in 2000s. We operate from Cape Town, Dakar, Abuja, Monrovia, Nairobi and Washington DC. It’s like how there is a wikipedia in every country but for news on each country. I’m not really sure where it was created.  the news site is very informative when it comes to news, so I would give that as a strength but when i think one there weaknesses is that the starting page is too bland and empty, it’s not really representable compared to other sites; which i believe, if someone were to look at this site, they would think that it’s an Ad or something of that sort. Granted it may look different for every other country but for Cameroun it’s very bland, since it was created in 2000s, i would say it’s very outdated. It’s language, depending on where you go, but i will say French since it is Cameroun. I think this source could be valuable to someone that just needs a quick glance at what’s going on in Cameroun. Access by https://allafrica.com/cameroon/

Facebook: I chose this site as my social media source because I believe it’s a good representation of Cameroon. It’s called Facebook Cameroon, and it features any topic that someone might want to know about Cameroon or about what’s happening in Cameroon. It’s language is in French but since it’s facebook it’s also in English and any other language that people need. It features things like politics, health, sports, society, and many other things as well. I think a strength for this site would be that it’s very informational and takes its time to tell people what exactly is going on in the country. One weakness would be that it doesn’t have any socials other than facebook and i think having that could also be helpful as well. I chose this Site because I think it poses as a god website for someone to access information about Cameroon. https://www.facebook.com/groups/cameroes/

Twitter: I chose this site as my social media source because it’s grown a lot over the years, especially in Africa. The name of the twitter account is Cameroun Tribune, and it features a variety of things; such as politics, sports, health, social life, debates with politicians, new hospitals opening up and many more. I think this is a great source because it provides you with information which I think is important to have when going to Cameroon. I would say a strength is that it’s twitter, so anyone can be able to access it. I would say a weakness is that it’s in french only, unless twitter has a place where people can switch languages but that could be a problem for someone. I believe this source is valuable and reliable because it’s not just people reporting on it, but Cameroonian people that live through these things and are allowing others to see it. I think it’s very reliable and is able to be a helpful tool for someone, another bonus i would say would be that it’s on twitter so it’s very accessible. https://twitter.com/CamerounTribune

Statistica: I chose this website as my data source because it’s the only one I could find that gives data. It is originally from U.S and it’s language is english. This website as a variety of information and graphs, some which include: fertility rate in Cameroun, import of goods, life expectancy and so much more. I think a strength that can be found from this website is that it’s accurate but also updates are very recent as well. They last updated April 6, I think it’s also a good way to show people where Cameroun is at in terms of growth. A weakness i believe that it has is that it might only be accessible in the U.S, therefore people in Cameroun will not be able to use it, but since there are english speaking people in cameroun that shouldn’t be a problem. Statistica also has 2m users and sales director is Marcel Grentz.https://www.statista.com/

L’actualité : I chose this website as my other data source because it was the only other one that provided something.  This site is based in Montreal and it’s a french based information site. It provides information on the world and what they are going through, whether it be politics, health and science, society, culture, business and economy and many more. A strength for this source is that it also has socials: facebook, instagram, youtube and linkedin, so people should be able to access it wherever they are. A weakness is that it doesn’t really provide much “data” per say but it’s very informational on it’s own. I chose this website because i believe that it would be very helpful to someone who is traveling somewhere and needs to know about maybe culture in said place. I also like the fact that it has picture, which I believe is very helpful as well. https://lactualite.com/

Cameroon Radio TV: This website is a Cameroonian state- owned radio and tv station, in French that features all kinds of things. They are also available on youtube, twitter, tiktok, instagram, soundcloud and many other socials as well. It provides information such as politics, education, social life, health, forecast and so much more. I think this websites strength is that it’s a 3-1 website, where it’s not just a radio station but also a tv station and has all these other places to access it as well. I wouldn’t say there is a weakness, as a Visual news site I believe that it does the work that it’s suppose to for the readers and watchers in Cameroun. And they even have newsletters where people could sign up and get more info as well. I chose this website because it is one of the few visuals news that cameroun had, and i believe it’s reliable and valuable because there are multiple means of access. https://www.crtv.cm/

CameroonOnline: I chose this website as my visual news outlet. It is a Camerounian owned website and also provides visuals as well; although it’s in French, there’s also a way to change it to english as well. It is accessible through the website, but they also have it on live tv and live music as well. i would say the source is pretty up-to-date, last time it was updated was April 16 2023. I think one of the strength is that it shows a lot of information, from politics, health, social life, education and so much more. But also that it’s accessible through tv form as well. And it also has a weather forecast which i think could come in very handy. I don’t think there’s any weaknesses. This website is valuable because it not only has a weather forecast but it’s also on live tv and also has live music, they are up to date with their info as well. https://www.cameroononline.org/

Camfoot: I chose this website as my additional source. It is French based in Cameroon but focuses on soccer or futbol as Cameroonians (would say) from all over the word. It has information on the Cameroonian team but also from teams around the world. They have a place where people can make comments on the plays or teams and also feature a lot of Cameroon best soccer player Eto’o, who is now the director of the cameroonian team. I think a strength for this site would be that it’s a good way to know more about Cameroon because they love soccer and their teams are good. One weakness,  I wish they showed like previous years and how the Cameroonian teams played against other people while Eto’o was there as well. It’s also accessible through facebook, instagram and twitter. https://www.camfoot.com/

CameroonConcord: I chose this website as my additional source.  It is based on Cameroon and focuses on a variety of things such as: news, politics, sports, business, life, religion and more. This website is in french and english, therefore anyone can access it. This site also has socials on facebook, twitter, youtube, and gmail. I would say it’s pretty up-to-date and last time it was updated was April 9. I think a strength for this website is that it actually provides a lot of information concerning Cameroon from a variety of topics. A weakness is that I think the website could be a bit more organised. But overall I think it’s valuable because it provides loads of information for readers. https://www.cameroonconcordnews.com/






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