
42 Country Report: Information Network



Worldbank.org is a reliable source that allows users to learn about developing countries around the world. It is one of the largest sources of funding research to create ways that can decrease poverty.  The source uses open data and has published over 200,000 papers to help increase people’s understanding of polices and programs regarding developing countries. Specifically, on the Ethiopian page there are data resources, tips on accessing education systems, and press releases. This source is helpful because it gives an unbiased perspective about what’s going on in the country.

Access Worldbank.org here: https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/ethiopia

I chose to use worldbank.org because I have used it on other research projects, and it has been helpful in providing accurate information. Although it focuses mainly on providing support for developing countries, it does so by informing the world with facts about why these countries need help.

International Newsstream is a digital platform that provides recent news stories about countries all around the world. By just typing in one key search term, the platform gives readers access to thousands of papers that they can view and read. This database is very diverse when it comes to supplying information. It is a large search engine and includes topics about business, economics, technology, etc. Because of its daily updates, it is considered very reliable.

Access International Newsstream here: https://www.proquest.com/internationalnews1/advanced?accountid=9783&parentSessionId=m9zlQG43Z4taZ8K0PpAAvbqAV85Zf%2BMVJzHdWVja46M%3D

I chose this platform to use in my research because it provides easy access to scholarly articles and papers. Keeping this in mind, I can also use this platform as a fact checker to any other articles I may find on my own. It is also a great way to search for broad topics if you don’t know exactly what you’re wanting to research.

NewsBank.com is one of the world’s largest sources of reliable information and has complied both current and old information about countries all over the world. NewsBank also provides outside links to newspapers, magazines, government documents and periodicals. This database allows people from international levels to access information from primary sources. With just the search of one word, thousands of articles are generated for researchers to use.

Access NewsBank here: https://infoweb-newsbank-com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/apps/news/results?p=WORLDNEWS&fld-base-0=alltext&sort=YMD_date%3AD&maxresults=20&val-base-0=ethiopia&t=

I chose this platform for my research because when searching Ethiopia on the website, it populated many news sources I can use to educate myself and others about Ethiopia’s past and present. I enjoy this database because it is easy to toggle throughout and has filters in which I can use to help me determine what I want to focus on when researching more about my country.

Press Reader is a website that offers thousands of newspapers and magazines from all over the world. This database offers easy access to more than 7,000 publications and newspapers so that viewers can access local newspapers from different countries. Issues released can be viewed in their original print layouts and languages but also have been translated to English for others to read as well. Journalists and sources, such as The Washington Post and Forbes, are accessible from this website which has made it a reputable source.

Access Press Reader here: https://www-pressreader-com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/

I chose this platform for my research because it is an easy source to find current publications about Ethiopia. I think it will be useful because the newspaper provided is current and kept up to date with daily releases and updates. The newspaper, Capital, has also been translated to English for readers.

New Media

Africa.com is a digital media platform led by African women with the goal of reaching a global audience who are interested in African content. This platform mainly uses storytelling to create a new narrative for Africa and take away from the stigmas. Users of Africa.com can access current stories about all African countries. From business, to lifestyle, to climate change, readers can learn about events and issues occurring in different countries. The goal of this source is to inspire women by “showcasing Africa in support of a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable future.” The source is constantly updated providing readers with the most current African news stories. Because most authors are women, they may hold some biases, however, there are both female and male editors who participate in releasing news stories.

Access Africa.com here: https://www.africa.com/

I chose Africa.com as one of my sources because it is easy to read and offers a women’s perspective on current events. It is also updated constantly which is important when it comes to giving accurate information to readers. Africa.com also connects my country, Ethiopia, with other African countries which provides a unique perspective.

Global Voices is a website that focuses on promoting blogs that have been published worldwide and bringing them to light on a platform that focuses on global issues. This website provides access to a plethora of articles written by local volunteers in order for users to hear from experiences from local writers. Global Voices has also been able to translate stories into many different languages to allow for a larger population of those who can understand and use the website. Authors vary amongst topics however there is a board that is used to verify bloggers information.

Access Global Voices here: https://globalvoices.org/#

I chose this platform to be one of the media networks because it is a great website that offer’s information from local sources about events happening in Ethiopia. I have been able to find articles on current happenings that we might not have heard about in America due to both an easy access barrier and a language barrier. Global Voices provides a local perspective across borders.

Al Jazeera is a media outlet that provides journalists a chance to release information to their audience about regional and international issues. This network has been able to ensure that users are seeing multiple angles to different stories while still focusing on maintaining journalistic integrity. Al Jazeera is an Arab global media source that works to present news, current affairs, and investigations that help uses keep up with events all over the Arab world. This network consists of over 70 bureaus and 3,000 employees from more than 95 countries bringing accessibility to users in over 150 countries.

Access Al Jazeera here: https://www.aljazeera.com/

I chose to use Al Jazeera as one of my new media sources because it is consistently updating its website with current events to keep users up to date. There are both stories on the website from weeks prior along with a “Live” action update button. There are many news articles released about the happenings in Ethiopia which have been helpful to know exactly what local sources are saying about the country.

Social Media 

Although Facebook is the primary source of social media for most Ethiopians, when it comes to revealing news, Twitter is more accurate because of its constant updates. The Ethiopian government’s Twitter page (@mfaethiopia) is an important source because it provides news posts in a timely matter and is available for users all around the world. However, because of the current war in Ethiopia, this twitter page may seem biased to many members of the country. Tigray natives are probably not following the government page, but rather following pages such as Omna Tigray (@omnatigray), because this page would offer more of what they want to see. Both pages are offered in Amharic and English for uses to access.

Access the Twitter page here: https://twitter.com/mfaethiopia

I chose this twitter page because they provide quick and “to the point” updates about news around Ethiopia. Twitter is a great news source because in today’s age, many people are used to getting their news from social media. It is easy to search on Twitter current events which helps lead to quick and accurate answers. This Twitter page is unique because it is from governmental officials themselves.

Omna Tigray (@omnatigray), is the second twitter page that is very useful in Ethiopia. This twitter page is run by Tigrayans and is a nonprofit organization that works to educate the people of Ethiopia and advocate for Tigrayans and their economic involvement. Their bio on twitter states “Join our global movement to stop the genocidal war on Tigray.” This account posts every day and allows for each access to current news and events.

Access the Twitter page here: https://twitter.com/OmnaTigray

I chose to use this Twitter page to access information because it is a nonprofit organization that focuses on people’s advocacy. Although I have chosen another twitter page as one of my sources as well, I think this page gives a nice balance to the other in terms of disputing any false propaganda from both the government and the TPLF. This page promotes sharing stories about the war to those who are able to access it.

Feta Daily is an Ethiopian Entertainment media outlet whose main network can be found on YouTube with the username @fetadailyanalysis. This YouTube channel is updated on a daily basis and provides news updates regarding events happening in Ethiopia. The videos are posted in Amharic language but can be translated to English for viewers who don’t speak the native language. Feta Daily has over one million subscribers and has been a reliable channel for over 6 years.

Access Feta Daily here: https://www.youtube.com/@fetadailyanalysis/videos

I chose this YouTube channel as one of my networks because it an entertaining way to find out about local news in Ethiopia. It is also updated every day by local journalists who are able to identify issues in the country and release accurate information to viewers.

Data Sources 

Satista.com is the leading provider of both market and consumer data. Statista.com has been able to complete date on more than 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 difference sources. Readers can access this date on four different platforms including English, Spanish, German, and French. The source is updated regularly, and users can simply type in a key word to gain access to statistics about what they are searching for. The goal of this website is to provide readers with accurate information to use as they inquire about certain topics. In this case, Statisa.com has provided a data analysis on Ethiopia’s Economy and Society that includes information about the country. It was last updated in 2022 which is very up to date.

Access Statisa.com here: https://www-statista-com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/search/?q=ethiopia&qKat=search&newSearch=true

I have chosen to use Statisa.com as one of my sources because it is a convenient way to access all I need, in one outlet. With such a large database, the website is very credible and uses multiple sources to create one large set of data. In particular it has a lot of information on Ethiopia which is hard to find since it is a developing country.

Ethnologue.com is a digital platform that provides researchers with access and insight to almost all of the world’s known languages. The website works with local communities around the world to help educate others about the global language landscape. Ethnologue is run by SIL International, the leader in the linguistics field, making this source very reliable. It is also a very accurate source as there are over 2,000 Ethnologue contributors that help release a new edition every year with other 18,000 updates each year.

Access Ethnologue here: https://www-ethnologue-com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/

I chose this data platform to use for my research because it showcases all the different languages around the world. Ethiopia has many different tribes within the country and they each speak a different language. With this website I have been able to see which languages are still used in the country and educate myself on all of the tribal dialects and languages.

ITU (International Telecommunication Union) Statistics is the UN specialized agency that is used to report information about technology and global statistics. The goal of ITU is to ensure that networks interconnect with one another seamlessly and to help improve internet access to communities worldwide. ITU has also created the standards for surfing the internet and making phone calls. With a global ITU, emerging markets have been able to participate in streaming online which has helped shorten the digital divide. ITU is a great resource for those looking for information about statistics around the world.

Access ITU here: https://www.itu.int/search#?q=ethiopia&fl=0&ex=false&target=All

I chose this platform as one of my data sources because it is an accurate and reliable resource for one to find information about countries global climates. When searching for information about Ethiopia, this website generated over 4,000 links to outsider sources where researchers can deepen their meaning. It is also a very easy source to toggle throughout and provides creditable information.

Visual/Audio Based 

The Voice of Ethiopia is an Ethiopian Radio that is broadcasted from Atlanta, GA. The website is written in both Amharic and English so that both those who speak the langue and those who do not can read along with the transcript. The show itself is broadcasted in Amharic. It is updated daily as a local news outlet and viewers can visit the website to watch previously broadcasted shows if they find need.

Access The Voice of Ethiopia here: http://www.thevoiceofethiopia.com/

I chose this radio channel to use in my research because my best friend, who is Ethiopian, listens to this channel with her parents in their home in Atlanta, GA. I knew of this channel because they tune in to find out news about what is happening in their home country.

Rorshok Ethiopia is a podcast channel that broadcasts a weekly audio update about what is happening in Ethiopia. Each of the episodes are 10 minutes and can be found on almost all of the podcast platforms for viewers to listen to. The podcast channel also reports on other smaller countries around the world. The organization focuses on bringing information to people in a quick and “to the point” way so that users aren’t stuck for hours trying to find out information about an event that took place.

Access Rorshok Ethiopia here: https://open.spotify.com/show/4hgsJQ0a9brbZBDuwHpv9x?si=0b711f40f2cd4bed

I chose this podcast to use as one of my sources because it is an easy way to hear about current events and updates about what is happening in Ethiopia. There are weekly updates, and it Is a great way for listeners to find out information from an outsider source.

The Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries is a virtual encyclopedia that provides viewers and listeners with the world’s musical traditions. This platform has published more than 80 collections and concentrates on literature, music, film, etc. from all over the world. Alexander Street LLC is the major company that looks after the website and publishes its offerings. When searching “Ethiopia” this website provides easy access to sounds created by Ethiopian tribes for all to see. This source is updated regularly but mostly provides studios from ancestorial offerings.

Access the Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries here: https://search-alexanderstreet-com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/glmu/search?sort_by=publication_date_sort&sort_order=DESC&term%5B0%5D=ethiopia

I chose this audio-based platform because it provides a different way of hearing about Ethiopia’s culture. By listening to certain tribal sounds and really appreciating the culture, I am able to further connect with the values of the country. There is always something to learn from the arts and this source is able to provide researchers with classic cultural sounds.


Countrywatch.com is a website created for businesses, governments, schools, and personal who want to learn about current news in all countries around the world. It is managed by members with international experience and an academic background. The website includes data, images, and current news updates for access by the public domain. On the Ethiopian page, there are many news stories that are accessible about all different types of events.

Access Country Watch here: http://www.countrywatch.com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/

I chose Country Watch because not only does it provide information about my country, but it also allows me to search about countries outside of the region. It is also a very credible source because it attaches the authors of the articles to each link.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is a great resource to search for information about journalists and censorship within a certain country. This digital platform is a nonprofit organization that helps protect the right to freedom of expression along with the right for humans to have access to information. This organization was founded in 1985 and has correspondents all around the world. It is known to be a very reliable source as it has worked to call on citizens, governments, and other organizations to ensure that journalist’s free speech is protected. This network is constantly updated and recognizes both local and foreign stories.

Access Reporters Without Borders here: https://rsf.org/en/country/ethiopia

I chose to add this outlet to my information network because it has provided me with lots of articles regarding censorship within Ethiopia. I have been able to learn about the media landscape of Ethiopia while also taking a deeper dive into who has been affected by government rules regarding freedom of expression.

Addis Standard is an independent media publication that releases news both online and in print formats. This news outlet provides information in 3 different languages including English, Afaan Oromoo, and Amharic. Addis Standard is based in Ethiopia and recognized under the Ethiopian Media Law making it a very reliable source. The website issues stories about current news as is updated each time a story is released. Not only does it provide information about Ethiopia, but also about the rest of the world for viewers to see.

Access Addis Standard here: https://addisstandard.com/

I chose this website as one of my additional networks because it was a great source of news updates that came straight from my country itself. Instead of a news source based in Europe, this one is based in Ethiopia so it may give a different viewpoint on some of the current issues. It is also a reliable source and provides articles from different journalists.


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Country Report: Information Network Copyright © 2023 by bouknight4 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.