
203 Country Report: Data Visualization



Switzerland Data (1)

I chose to visualize a data set that contains the amount of government funding issued per year for insurance and pension programs. With a high cost of living and an ever increasing life expectancy, retirement provision is becoming more of a concern than ever before for residents of Switzerland, and this data set shows how the Swiss government has addressed this issue over the past 20 years.

I opted to use a line graph for this data set for a variety of reasons. First, line charts are optimal for data that represent changes over time. This dataset shows the amount of government funding allocated towards insurance and pension plans, and the line connecting the data points makes it easy to see a clear upwards trend over the past 20 years. Second, line charts are helpful for displaying relationships between two variables. It can be inferred that life expectancy has increased since 2000, and upon further research, there is evidence that life expectancy in Switzerland has increased by about four years since then. This fact paired with the increase in government funding per year (which is shown by the line graph) shows a relationship between life expectancy and government funding towards insurance and pension plans. Finally, line charts are one of the easiest data visualizations to analyze and understand. This graph displays the data in a very informative way while showing a clear trend over the past 20 years, and it is easy for the majority of people to understand.