
91 Country Report: Data Visualization

Emily Potter

Percent of the Population Using the Internet

(Individuals using the Internet [% of population] – India, China, United States, Indonesia, Pakistan)

India, the second most populated country in the world, had a 47% internet penetration rate in 2021. Today, the internet is the quickest way to access information, apply for jobs, share ideas, etc. This is why the internet is important although compared to other the other most populous countries India falls behind in internet access and use. Out of the other 4 most populous countries other than India, 3 top it in the rate of Internet use. This line graph shows the rates of internet use in these top 5 countries from 2010 to 2020. By showing the data this way India can be easily compared to other countries with similar demographics. This also shows that while India has begun to increase internet use, other countries have begun to heighten their use earlier.



Individuals using the Internet (% of population) – India, China, United States, Indonesia, Pakistan. (n.d.). The World Bank. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/IT.NET.USER.ZS?end=2020&locations=IN-CN-US-ID-PK&most_recent_year_desc=true&start=1990&view=chart