
61 Country Report: Data Visualization

Alec Levine

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Clausnitzer, J. (2022) “Annual Average Temperatures in Helsinki and Sodankylä in Finland in Selected Years from 1950 to 2021.” https://www-statista-com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/statistics/742876/annual-average-temperatures-in-finland/?locale=en.

Clausnitzer, J. (2022) “Consumption of District Heat in Finland from 2010 to 2020.” https://www-statista-com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/statistics/939465/consumption-district-heat-finland/?locale=en.

Clausnitzer, J. (2022) “Consumption of Fossil Fuels and Peat in Finland from 2010 to 2020.” https://www-statista-com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/statistics/936662/consumption-fossil-fuels-finland/?locale=en.

I chose Excel as my particular visualization method because it is a powerful tool for visualizing data. It allows you to create various charts and graphs that can help you understand trends and patterns in the data. In the case of climate change in Finland, I choose 3 different variables to consider. Excel allowed me to create tables and graphs that showed the relationship between these variables over time. This can help someone identify trends and patterns that might not be immediately apparent from looking at the raw data. Additionally, Excel allows me to share my findings with others. Overall, Excel is an excellent choice for visualizing data related to climate change in Finland, as it allows you to create dynamic and informative visual representations of complex data sets.