
80 Global News Post 1





(2023). Salmonwatchireland.ie. https://salmonwatchireland.ie/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Farm-Photo-1-e1543513752432.jpg

Tim McCormick’s article, ” Why are open-pen salmon farms encouraged in Ireland but banned in most countries?” describes how Ireland’s salmon industry relies on open-pen farms and discusses the controversies behind them. In Ireland, helping the fish industry is highly encouraged, so much so that the Government made a plan to help develop aquaculture by 2030. He raises attention to the company MOWI, which uses open-pen farming. However, McCormick mentions many dangers in open-pen farming, specifically that some countries have banned open-pen farming. These issues extend from pollution to environmental concerns to tourism! The article shines some light on a new land-based project that would be replacing open-pen farms. McCormick concludes the article by discussing why fishery is so important. “‘More than 1 billion people rely on fish as their main source of protein,'” a MOWI Ireland spokesperson told McCormick. He then explains why this industry is taking steps to be sustainable while still keeping up with the heavy demand. 

McCormick used primary evidence by taking statements from spokespeople on behalf of MOWI. He also used quotes from the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) to help satisfy his discussion of sustainability. McCormick used a lot of figures and numbers as well in his article. There were no statistical graphs or anything visual, but he used them to prove his points in each paragraph. He also highlighted a lot of organizations revolving around sustainability or open-pen farming.

Overall, the article was fashioned from an environmentally conscious perspective. It highlighted the concerns of open-pen farming more than the pros. It mentioned multiple efforts to conserve the environment and projects potentially underway. The article felt a little unbalanced, but it highlighted some interesting points about conservation and the fish industry.
