
51 Global News Post #2

Traumatized Syrian kids receive psychological support following deadly earthquake by Xinhua

Turkey-Syria earthquake: What are schools doing to help? - CBBC Newsround

[Turkish Red Crescent give out hot meals to earthquake victims] (2023).


The article covers a story coming out of Northern Syria where people are being displaced by the recent earthquake that hit Southern Turkey and Northern Syria that has so far created millions in damages and taken countless lives. The article covers the perspective of a journalist for the Daily News Egypt as they interview individuals taking shelter in a school that had been turned into a temporary shelter in Aleppo.The article gives a personal story behind the recent catastrophe and focused on the unseen effects of a disaster.

The article does a good job at giving base accounts of the earthquake and the base feelings behind the people who took shelter at the school. However, it does not go past the initial glance of appearances and some second-hand accounts to how kids are feeling in the shelter. So most of the potential of covering mental health effects from this disaster is lost in the execution.

This is to be expected though, as Egypt often ranks low in its internet and web access and ability to provide for marginalized voices in its web space. With mental health also being a heavily stigmatized topic. The ability to publish any substantial article on the matter is almost completely barred. So the article giving second hand accounts on feelings is the most that a publishing paper can afford.