
3 Global News Post 3



Land seizure in El Marquesado

Villar, Barbara. (2023). [People occupying land in El Marquesado]. Retrieved March 25, 2023 from https://www.clarin.com/politica/indignacion-vecinos-predio-cercano-mar-plata-ocupado-gente-juan-grabois-dicen-campo-_0_9pWlYJEPOk.html


The article describes how a group of people led by Juan Grabois, a lawyer and social advocate for the poor in Argentina, have taken over the seaside resort of El Marquesado. There are 60 of them, belonging to the “Movement of Excluded Workers,” a group protesting against economic woes and unemployment in Argentina. According to the article, the takeover comes amidst greater disagreements about the property–it is disputed land locally, and the national government decided to give the land to the organization, for an agroecological and urbanization project that takes place at least 6 months from now, if everything gets approved. The group thus arrived 6 months early and out of place, much to the anger of the nearby residents who thought they had more time. They have already begun their move, placing a padlock on its gate and preventing the entry of other people.


I think this article is important given its context. In Argentina’s stuttering economy, there is significant unemployment and people who feel disaffected. They will resort to any means necessary to ensure that they, too, have places to live and thrive, often at the expense of others who might already live somewhere. It also illustrates significant conflict between national and regional authorities that has been occurring for years–the regional people do not agree with the national government’s actions and do not think they should just be able to give away land, while the federal government believes it to be their right. I did feel like the article was one-sided in its coverage, however: interviews were done with residents of the land (although one was sympathetic) who do not want these 60 people there, as well as local authorities arguing with the national government. If Clarín really wanted a full portrait, they definitely could have asked the Excluded Workers or some figures from the national government.