
32 Global News Post 3

Lara Pfrimmer

Czech school children; Photo: Ivana Bernáthová; Retrieved: https://english.radio.cz/why-are-so-many-ukrainian-children-not-attending-school-czechia-8777876


This article written by Anna Fordor and Eva Šelepová, Prague based journalists, and published by Radio Prague International on March 17th, 2023 describes how access to public elementary education for Ukrainian refugees in Prague is not guaranteed. In the article it is mentioned that many schools within Prague have raised their capacities to account for the recent increase in population due to the Ukrainian refugee crisis, but in order to comply with health and safety regulations the capacities cannot be further raised. Kristýna Titěrová, director of META, a non-profit young migrants organization, states in the article that there are also gaps in language and immersion practices for Ukrainian refugees, threatening the quality of these children’s education.


Fordor is a Radio Prague International journalist who immigrated to Czechia from the United Kingdom. She is an ethnic Czech who specializes in English service of Czech news. Šelepová is also a journalist at Radio Prague International who specializes in journalism for their society section. Radio Prague International is the official international broadcasting station of Czechia and has a long history in providing unbiased news. This article seems to have been originally written in Czech by Šelepová and translated into English by Fordor. The article features first hand accounts from reliable and cited sources, providing a more holistic perspective of their research for the article. Radio Prague International is currently blocked in Russia, but the article makes no anti-Russian statements to hint at such.


Fordor, A. and Šelepová E. (2023, March, 17). Why are so many Ukrainian children not attending school in Czechia? Radio Prague International. https://english.radio.cz/why-are-so-many-ukrainian-children-not-attending-school-czechia-8777876.


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