
76 Country Report: Wikipedia


The presence of Wikipedia in Germany is very widespread and active among users, authors and editors. In total there are about 254,391 links to the Wikipedia page for Germany in the German language. This information was found on the statistics page where they made note to warn readers that the information is very old, therefore I think that if there was more recent editing to the page the numbers presented would be higher. The monthly average pageviews since February 2022 is 457,093 and the total pageviews since February 2022 are around 5,485,118. Over the past year they have had 1,241 watchers, these are registered users who are given the ability to be notified of changes made to any pages they are knowledgeable on or care about.

The information found on the Wikipedia page is extensive in both the English and German language, although more information can be found on the German page. The English page has history with a relatively large section on the German Confederation and Nazi Germany. The economy, geography, politics, demographics, and culture are all also included in the English Wikipedia. The same sections are available on the German page as well, however it goes much more in depth for each with added subsections that the English page does not have. All of this information is edited by about 4,175 authors and 6,569 editors for the English Wikipedia page on Germany. Germany has the second largest number of editors next to the United States as well as the second most Wikipedians, people who edit Wikipedia pages in general, at 12%.





