
69 Country Report: Wikipedia


In France, Wikipedia is used quite frequently, and has widespread use mostly stemming from people within the country itself. Using Wikipedia’s statistics it seems as if it is used as an information source similar to how us in the U.S. use it. There are frequent edits, very close to almost every day, and has almost 1,000 page watchers. While I could not find a specific number of registered users in the country, there are just over 10,000 editors and edits being made as recently as yesterday making it a very popular and highly visited wikipedia page. When looking into the accounts making frequent edits on the page came from two main pools of people: those who are frequent editors of Wikipedia in itself, and native French users. There has been a consistent increase in edits since the platform was created, meaning that the site is only building traction and more users.

Wikipedia covers a lot of information about France including: history, culture, politics, its people, and their society. All of the information on the page is very detailed, making it a very accessible resource for the French, and others, to use. The most prominent feature of the page is its ability to show diversity within the content. While it is giving useful information, it also highlights downfalls within French history making it an overall unbiased and straight forward analysis on the country of France. While there is extensive information on most sections, some are left untouched such as the security and crime section. While the section is left blank on the main page, it links to multiple other Wikipedia articles detailing information one might be searching for. So while it is vastly used, and has a strong team of editors and frequent viewers it still has space to grow.