
188 Country Report: Wikipedia


Wikipedia Use and Coverage in South Korea

In South Korea, Wikipedia is not a typical information source for most citizens. South Korean Wikipedia only has about 772, 826 registered users since its launch in 2002. Out of that 772, 826 users, there are only 1, 642 active users. When compared to a country that has a big Wikipedia presence, these numbers are very small. The English Wikipedia has 44,995,616 registered users and 130,529 active users. The South Korean Wikipedia also only has about 11 edits per page and the current trends of use have been decreasing each year. This leads me to believe that Wikipedia is not a renowned resource for information for South Korean citizens.

On the Korean Wikipedia page, there is a lot of information about the history of Korea. More specifically, the explanations for things like country name, geographical location, political system, and population. Some subjects had information that was vaguer than others. Those subjects include North Korea and Japan. Because of the controversial history, South Korea has with those two countries, it is understandable why there isn’t as much information about these conflicts. The people editing the information about the country are South Korean citizens even though Wikipedia use is not very common.
