
143 Country Report: Wikipedia

mustafa zafar

I’m on Wikipedia where I searched Pakistan. I see there is a lot of presence on this platform as I go to the references section about 573 people have posted on this Wikipedia. I was also looking at the bibliography section and I see 14 people have posted but when I click on the bibliography it’s empty. I think there are people from different countries just editing Wikipedia and leaving their articles on it under the bibliography. I think Wikipedia on Pakistan is well informed mainly in its history section. It starts off with the full name of Pakistan “Islamic republic of Pakistan”. It talks about where it’s located, its population, and basically all its biodata. Wikipedia has many other contents where you can choose and read more about it and get any information you need. I tried to find how many users on Wikipedia in Pakistan, and I can’t find anything. I tried searching it separately and nothing is coming up.

There is a lot of information on the country Pakistan. It has information about its history. It talked about the founding fathers and when all that thing started the process. It talks about when they got their independence and how. It’s an Islamic country, it talks about the main religion in the country and what the people the country follows. It talks about the languages and how many there are. The people who are editing are from universities in different countries. There are a lot of people from Pakistan editing and I think a lot of them people are from the government. There are also people that are named bots so I’m wondering how good the edits are in Wikipedia and how good of a piece of information is on this.

