
Design Document: Overview & Required Components

The design document in its entirety is one of the major deliverables for the course. It is written in a modular fashion by developing the sections of the report as the team moves through each phase of the design process. The document should come together as a complete document, with smooth and logical transitions between each section/chapter. The design document is submitted for grading as part of each Design Review Phase described in the Capstone Design Process. Each team will also maintain electronic folders, where all project documentation is maintained, and will turn in two printed (spiral bound and color) copies of the finalized report at the end of the spring semester.

The finalized document should be attentive to the overall purpose of the deign document, the purpose of each section, and the audience.  The report is expected to be concisely written using technical communication style and conventions.  The document must be written using third person, past tense language.  Remember, this report may be read months (or years!) later—keep this in mind as you do all of your project documentation and compile your design document.

Required Components

The design document is required to have these sections:

Cover Page

Change Notice Page

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

Executive Summary


  • Chapter 1: Problem Identification
  • Chapter 2: System Design
  • Chapter 3:  Detail Design
  • Chapter 4: Final Design



Detailed instructions and guidance for completing the phased design report are provided via this Design Guide, class lectures, and Carmen.  Teams are expected to incorporate feedback and revise each chapter based on that feedback. A summary of these changes should be noted in the Change of Notice Page.  A portion of the grade depends on the effectiveness and completeness of incorporating previous feedback.


MDC Design Guide Copyright © by Bob Rhoads, Capstone Program Director; John Schrock, P.E., Senior Lecturer; Lynn Hall, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer & Director, Engineering Technical Communications; and Jake Brandon, Graduate Teaching Associate. All Rights Reserved.

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