
Professional Conduct

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to abide by the provisions in the Code of Student Conduct.  Students should appreciate diversity, and they should conduct themselves professionally with members of the same or opposite gender and/or from different ethnicities, religions and cultures.

Students should represent themselves in a professional manner in forums that have public access.  This includes information posted on social networking sites such as Facebook.  Information on these pages is often screened by potential employers, and unprofessional material can have a negative impact on job or graduate school prospects.

Any form of sexual harassment or intimidation will not be tolerated.  The University’s Code of Student Conduct and Sexual Misconduct Policy are available on the OSU Web page.  Sexual harassment includes inappropriate behavior among two or more students; between students and faculty; and among faculty. The actions can take place in physical, verbal, or written forms.  When a complaint is received, the situation will be investigated by the academic department and possibly by the police, even if the harassment was done anonymously or possibly as a joke.  Being found guilty of harassment is likely to be professionally damaging.


MDC Design Guide Copyright © by Bob Rhoads, Capstone Program Director; John Schrock, P.E., Senior Lecturer; Lynn Hall, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer & Director, Engineering Technical Communications; and Jake Brandon, Graduate Teaching Associate. All Rights Reserved.

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