
Status Review Meetings & Documentation

Teams should plan to hold one weekly status review meeting with your advisor and client. These meetings can take place in-person or virtually (via Carmen Zoom or Microsoft Teams). Discuss this with your OSU advisor.  To help you organize your meetings and track your status, use the documentation protocols below.

Agenda (Pre-Meeting)

Select one person to organize and run each week’s meeting.  Rotate this assignment to give everyone on the team a chance to perform this role.  The meeting leader must submit the agenda 24 hours in advance of the meeting to all team members, the advisor, and the client.

    1. Objective of Meeting (1 or 2 sentences)
    2. Tasks completed from previous week or last meeting (use bullets to designate each task and the person assigned to each task)
    3. Topics/Questions that need to be discussed at meeting
    4. Timeline/Gantt Chart with major milestones

Minutes (During Meeting)

Every meeting should have recorded minutes. Select a person to scribe each meeting. This should NOT be the same person for every meeting.  Every team member must be the scribe throughout the project.

When taking minutes for a meeting, remember that you are creating a documentation record—be sure to track attendees, agenda items, and important points from the meeting (action items, next steps, etc.).

Bi-Weekly Status Reports (Post Meeting)[1]

All teams will be responsible for submitting bi-weekly status reports to the instructional team (see deadlines on Carmen). Like the agenda and minutes tasks, the team must rotate these bi-weekly status reports.  Every person on the team should have the responsibility of drafting and submitting these reports at least once and every person on the team should review before submission.

These status reports should be in the form of a memo (see Communication Resources on Carmen) and contain, at  minimum, the following information:

    1. A list of attendees at the meetings held since the last status report was submitted.
    2. Objectives of each meeting (1 or 2 sentences).
    3. Tasks completed from previous weeks or last meetings. Use bullets to designate each task, the person assigned to each task, and provide a short summary of status.
    4. Tasks to be completed for the upcoming two-week period. Use bullets to designate each task and the person assigned to each task.
    5. Timeline/Gantt Chart with major milestones.

Archive Requirements

Teams are responsible for maintaining documentation records, including agendas, minutes, and these bi-weekly status reports. These will be attached to the Design Document and should be kept current in the team’s OneDrive/SharePoint space.

  1. NOTE: These bi-weekly status reports are distinct from the status memos prepared for program coordinators/advisors in the second semester of the course sequence.


MDC Design Guide Copyright © by Bob Rhoads, Capstone Program Director; John Schrock, P.E., Senior Lecturer; Lynn Hall, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer & Director, Engineering Technical Communications; and Jake Brandon, Graduate Teaching Associate. All Rights Reserved.

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